Deer and other dumb animals

My wife and I have gotten 3 deer apiece here in NY. Where I'm moving to in Florida they have feral hogs, I saw a dead one by the side of the road, they're big, sure wouldn't want to hit one of them
My wife and I have gotten 3 deer apiece here in NY. Where I'm moving to in Florida they have feral hogs, I saw a dead one by the side of the road, they're big, sure wouldn't want to hit one of them
Mate all around my place in the NT we had these. I had over 50 on my 250 acre block. One bull was close to this about a foot lees width.

This is actually 'Charlie,' the one from Croc Dundee movie that was at the nearest Adelaide River pub about 25km of dirt road from my rural block. Long dead now, died at a ripe old age. He was tame as and on a work trip stop I lifted up a lady I worked with and she rode on his back.

He has been stuffed in the Pubs .303 bar now. The bottles in the box on the left are the infamous Darwin Stubbys of vile beer called NT Draught that was eventually brewed 3000Km away in Cairns Qld.
The Darwin Stubby was created by Carlton United Breweries when it began brewing NT Draught in 1957.
While more recently made Darwin Stubbies hold a mere two litres of beer, they originally held the equivalent of six regular-size 13fl.oz stubbies.

PHOTO: The Darwin Stubby towered over other beers. (ABC News: Anna Henderson)

The company's website said the oversize bottle was used because of the logistics of shipping bottles such large distances.
Very scarey thought. But doesn't stop me from wanting to ride. Opem to any suggestions for warning devices. Like a hmmm maybe a rocket launcher with heat speaking missile, hmmmm.... Might work on cages that cut you off.....
I like the idea of a missile that curses the offending idiot on the way to target..