Thank you everyone

I was able to download the driver ftdi, and installed it.
I download tune ecu but I didn’t put it on the hard drive, just on the screen display.

I think it’s my mistake for now, because I don’t have connection with the bike when i plug it to the laptop.
I downloaded the map 20228. I’m still working on it :)
Hi Frank, Yes you could damage the engine if not tuned properly. Yes you need to get the bike tuned. Either have a download tune via TuneECU or get a power Commander V. I feel the auto tune device is not needed. However a Dyno Tune is best using the PCV or TuneECU.

Just to add here...
I added the auto tune and it’s been terrific...
However a Dyno Tune is best using the PCV or TuneECU.
...I fully endorse this thinking!...The factory tune will be lean for a start because of the emission laws.When you add pipes etc it furthers the lean tune more.
Get a PCV and dyno tune and you will solve not only the decel pop but your air/fuel ratio will even out and this will prevent the lean tune burning valves down the track. I have seen this problem a number of times now and cannot urge you strongly enough.
Some one may jump in here to support my thinking hopefully.
Power commander 5.
I didn’t not connect yet bike with laptop something went bad! A bit complex to make it works, this thing. But I kind of like the challenge...! It’s only my second day I try to install , a friend will come to help today.
But i’m Sure your right Tal, if I go direct with pcv that will resolve the prob.

I may call the shop today, to have a price.
Sound a smart move to do.
Thank you for your advise
Now, I am looking to download the key? I read something about that in this forum... could be the final step!

I have the software tuneecu v2.5.8
I was able to installed driver for cable.
But not connect yet.
Once you get Tuneecu figured out make sure sure you turn the O2 sensor off. If you don't the bike will lean itself out again, evenwith the new tune. Someone may disagree but I have learned this from experience and help from this board. Check out the resource section and see if there's a tune there with similar upgrades as yours.

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