Daymaker Type Headlights (Chinese Copies)

Is it truly a noticeable difference over stock?
Pretty much ANYTHING is an improvement over stock. Here however is a question or two (OK three)

1) Do you ride a lot at night?
2) Do your night rides have a lot of curves?.
3) Are the roads without street lighting?

If the answer to these are Yes - then I council saving up for Adaptives.
Yes! they are VERY expensive - Yes! you will notice.

If the answers are NO - then go for the Chinese ones - unless homologation issues apply.
I have the Funloves posted above.
They require careful adjustment, and it's not easy like incandescent.
If you just shine them on the garage door from 30 feet away you cannot tell if the height is correct.
It took 4 night tests to get them right, which angered many drivers because they were too high to start.
Setting them way too high gives Excellent night visibility, though, especially the high beam.

After correct adjustment, the low beams seems to make me more noticeable during daytime.
At night, the low beam is very wide and lights the sides of the road.
The high beam does not throw as far as the PIAA superwhites I had before.
Overall, very good for the money.
i have the sunpies from amazon and love them. $99 for the 7" and 4.5"

best upgrade to date!

1. I do very little riding at night.
2. I wish.
3. See above.

I like the look of these 1PCS 5.75 Inch 50W 5000LM Motorcycle Hi Lo Beam LED Headlight with Angel eyes 5.75" led headlamp for bike harley-in Underwear from Mother & Kids on | Alibaba Group just trying to figure out how well they fit. I appreciate your insight!

@leatal could you tell me a bit more about the retention ring fitment you’re referring to? I want to understand before I order. Also, any pics you have would be GREAT!

These are the same as those I bought on AliExpress and @Claviger and maybe some others may have got them after me. They are great, with a great sharp cutoff on the low beam, easy to fit with lots of options - read my threads above. They are a tight fit but plug and play with just the one wire to splice to the yellow parking light wire from memory. Just remove the globe form the stock parking light and tape the lamp holder so it does not short on the steel light shell. You do not need to use the LED light adaptor lead that comes with them as they plug straight into the existing loom. Great lights buy them.

You just leave the tabbed lock ring out as it is not required to fit them correctly. Some have spent hours laboriously re-cutting new tab holes in the rings but it is not required. The embossed script on the lens and the straight row of leds in the center allows you to align them correctly horizontally and vertically. It is a little tricky getting the stock length screws to bite on the shell bezels clamps but it can be done or get longer screws from a hardware shop but make sure you match the metric thread.

I've done over 6000mile with them and they haven't moved at all.
@Claviger and @Ishrub Is it possible to use the halo ring as both a DRL and a turn signal? For example, always on orange and blinks when signal is used OR always on white and switches to blinking orange when signal is used?

@Claviger and @Ishrub Is it possible to use the halo ring as both a DRL and a turn signal? For example, always on orange and blinks when signal is used OR always on white and switches to blinking orange when signal is used? Thanks!
Take a look at this - The hardware is here Multi Functional Timers

I would wire the DRL's to the side lights and fit a switch to deactivate the low beam during the day.

BUT allow me a word of caution. With the headlights on you wont see the orange too well, if at all. And in some countries I know it is illegal as there has to me a separation twixt Headlights and indicators.