Daymaker Type Headlights (Chinese Copies)

Hook up the Halos to the indicators for something different

That is what the amber halo is intended for and with dual lights may be quite effective. Other wiring options include solid white day running light halo or strobe effects, as well as solid or strobing white parking light. You can probably do the amber blinkers, day running light and/ or parking option. I left mine as just solid white halo parking lights.
I have to do one more safety inspection before I move, looking to do it next week, then totally changing out my blinker setup, and the halos will be full time amber + blinking amber for turn signals paired with fork LEDs wrapped around just below the bottom triple tree, stock chrome bug antenae will be removed. Also going to put some amber LEDs along the bottom of the foot control rails for night time, will make the ground glow blinking in the direction I'm turning.

Going full LED lighting will hopefully remove enough electrical strain to prevent any RR/Stator/Battery issues....ever.
I'm no expert, but the way I understand it, the more power you draw, the least strain on the regulator/rectifier (not sure about stator).
OH YES like those cheaper DAYMAKERS
Over a year late on that one, Art!
Over a year late on that one, Art!
YES saw them for under $100 a pair free shipping today now thats cheaper for sure lets see what they are next week soon they will be giving them away
I picked up a cheap 7 inch one for my Touring, $70NZD landed to my door in 10 days. Way better than stock. Sleeves has seen it. Also 2 15 watt spotties for $15NZD at my door in less than a week. Very happy. Both of Aliexpress.
I picked up a cheap 7 inch one for my Touring, $70NZD landed to my door in 10 days. Way better than stock. Sleeves has seen it. Also 2 15 watt spotties for $15NZD at my door in less than a week. Very happy. Both of Aliexpress.
YES I know others that have them and one guy has 2 HARLEYS one with Factory Daymakers and he put the copies in the other and he likes the CHEAPOS better now thats funny I have to meet him to see them side by side