New to the forum but could do with some advice before I fit the new pipes

Whats the advice on a starting tune using tune ECU
2004 R3
K and N under seat filter
David Platt short pipes
David Platt crossover box

Have been running tripple Tors up til now but feel like a change in sound. Are there any performance gains with these against the Tors?
Depends if he already had a cat delete with his TORs, wouldn't it?

Yes there is, forgot to mention that.

Any idea for which Tune ECU map? Have the correct map for the Tors in there now
I would expect bugger all change then and think the current TORs tune should be fine.

You wont get anymore from any exhaust upgrades etc until you ditch the stock under seat air induction - the K&N does stuff all there besides reduce maintenance replacement costs.
Unless I am missing something here I still think 8 RWHP would be close. I base that on my own upgrades. Had a set of TORS and Ramair dynoed at 139 RWHP, added the DP Outlaw shorty's and crossover and dynoed at 147. Only change was the DP Outlaws and cross over. Same tuner etc.
Watch @Penner post
Basic Tuning Video
it shows the diffs that a crossover makes with a dyno run
After reading everything again, I believe you are all correct. The cat bypass was already in place so the majority of the gains were already made. Apologies for any confusion. As long as the bike was already tuned for the bypass and TORS, the DP pipes will make only a small difference. Not sure if I would be using a TORS tune though, still think it would be lean on that