The Dp custom shortys are bout 16 inches long and sound waay better than the Triumph tors and give slight power gains as well as cutting a whole shed load of weight . The Dp outlaws are for hooligans who like to rattle windows . Only if you change the pipes and induction will you achieve significant gains , increased even more by a header pipe change also ! As for the tune ? DPstates that the 12 minute tune will suffice for the shortys , and the Triumph tors tune for the Outlaws , however , the bike will still run lean .
Therefore you have 2 choices , spend more money on a pcv and get the bike dyno tuned , or buy the £20 Lonelec cable and download the free tune ECU program to your laptop and appeal to our resident tuning wizard for a tune for your set up ! The tune ECU program is a tuning , fault finding , diagnostic wizard , that will save you money and make bike maintenance a pleasure once mastered !