I changed the mufflers for Daves and left the collector box in place. Its not a CAT but it is a bit restrictive. The cats were in the mufflers on my roadster. I did the 12 minute thing and come spring ran the bike for a few 100 KM. It ran great, a slight bit of decel pop sometimes so when I passed the dealer recently I had them remap with the Tors map. Bike did run and idle a little better. I would be interested to meet up with Faraday in Caledon to see what difference removal of the collector box makes. I spoke to a well known dyno tuner here in Toronto and he said the only proper way to get the max from your bike is to dyno it over a few hours and do a custom tune. I am installing Ramairs and will definitely do that when I do as the standard triumph tune wont accommodate that.
Adding a link bike changes the sound of the bike from a Spitfire to a Lancaster.

@Allan S did you get a price on the dyno tune? There is a dyno shop near London as well. I don't know anything about them but if the price is right I would do it once I get pipes.
@Allan S did you get a price on the dyno tune? There is a dyno shop near London as well. I don't know anything about them but if the price is right I would do it once I get pipes.
Just bear in mind that most dyno tuners will only tune via a power commander as that is the system they are generally trained on . That said , they will go into the bikes ECU and alter settings such as gear restrictions , rev limit increases , secondaries and temp .
You will have to do some research to find one who will actually remap the ecu itself and this can often be expensive ! Good luck and when you find one , post up the results and name and address of tuner !
What parameters can the PCV change on the Rocket? For example, I heard that the PCV states that you can map each individual cylinder, but someone told me that is only on a V-twin motor?
@Allan S did you get a price on the dyno tune? There is a dyno shop near London as well. I don't know anything about them but if the price is right I would do it once I get pipes.

Dukes of Cycle in Toronto have a good reputation. I spoke to Carmine the owner and he is confident with Rockets. I am waiting for more normal temperatures than the 1-5 degrees we have been getting. Apparently that makes a big difference too? He quoted "around" $800 CAD as he said it was a good few hours work - inc balancing throttle bodies ( If I remember that correctly)
WHY did you choose PLATTS exhaust and what is the price ?
WHY did you choose PLATTS exhaust and what is the price ?

I liked the look of two exhausts and the shape of his model. It doesn't have any joins or screws sticking out, its slightly shorter and much lighter than the stock but retains the look of the rear end. They are polished stainless rather than chrome. They sound awesome. I think I paid about $800 USD incl. shipping from UK to Canada.


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