Dave Platt Short Custom Pipes

I was asked by Mr Platt to contact the manufacturer in his absence as below:

Thanks for your message, I have asked the workshop manager, Richard to take care of you, they have the tools and manufacture the pipes.
I have forwarded your email to them so you can converse direct.
It would be best if you phoned and he can talk to you direct **********
It takes me out of the loop, it’s difficult for me to comment when I’m bouncing between you and the workshop and I’m away in an hour for 10 days.
I really don’t know where this confusion has come from, we have sold loads and they have all been perfect, the pipe you sent back fits the jig perfectly, so can only blame the bracket.

Pipe was returned to the manufacturer who having looked/measured and commented its perfect is returning it back to me. This will then be packaged and returned along with all other parts to DP upon his return from France.

This may piss you off but trying to gather the various posts together with a diagram of the stock exhaust system may help us all understand. With the angled LHS bracket the mounting bolts heads would be at the 4 o'clock position - allowing the entry pipe to be horizontal and connect to the crosspipe - correct?

According to Platt that is your pipe in the jig photo - correct? For all us dead plants out here what is the problem from the welding jig? You have tried fitting the pieces together a number of ways, have you done so with the replaced LHS bracket as well and actually put it all together on the bike.?
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Right, full system installed on bike, on bench, on carpet in front room (got slapped for that one!). The problem with the welding jig is the angle of the slash cut. As soon as you rotate the pipe to allow the connection to cross over and bolts for the hanger - which did align correctly the slash cut twists in a clockwise direction. If you read back through the previous posts, Paul Bryant explained it a lot better I have. I spent numerous hours in the garage trying to fathom out why it was not aligning correctly. It was only when the photo of the pipe in the jig that it was sooooo obvious - nothing to do with my limited mechanical knowledge but the construction of the pipe was wrong!!! I was told the bracket was wrong, attached to bracket upside down, back to front, bracket caused twist etc...really frustrating. Oh, and the special paint peels off too!
See photos:


  • LHS PIPE (2).jpg
    87.7 KB · Views: 8
  • lhs pipe.jpg
    78 KB · Views: 14
  • pipes from rear.jpg
    96.5 KB · Views: 12
  • rhs pipe.jpg
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Yeah so it is both the entry pipe and the threaded mounting lugs on the can that are welded in the wrong location relative to the slash cut. The error would appear to have been made with the lugs first which then caused the incorrect angle of the entry pipe when place in the jig.
Yeah so it is both the entry pipe and the threaded mounting lugs on the can that are welded in the wrong location relative to the slash cut.


The error would appear to have been made with the lugs first which then caused the incorrect angle of the entry pipe when place in the jig.

I agree.
The mounting lugs and the entry pipe are correct in relation to each other, but not to the tail end of the body.
If one was to cut the end off the unit, rotate is how ever many degree's and weld it back on, all would be fine.