Just a thought?.....have you tried switching the silencers over? .....as said DP has sold loads of these...I’ve had 3 or 4 sets pass through my fingers and never had a problem
I will admit , I am more than happy with the fit , finish and performance of my outlaws and there is minimal pipework being a roadster . @Grumpy Ole Codger and I have been conversing for a while and I have been very aware of this on going saga . Mistakes are mistakes , fair enough , and no business can thrive without taking stock of their customers views and problems . In this case , the customer certainly has not been treated fairly and after reading some of the emails , I personally would be spitting teeth and probably not as patient as this member has been .
Being told ime a c-nt by someone who has my money for a set of pipes that are clearly fked up would open up the doors to my demons the cocky bastd..ive always thought his products are way over priced for what they are anyway
It was NOT Dave Platt but his minion who manufactures the pipes on his behalf. Had a very heated telephone conversation with the bloke but to be fair I could understand him being a little prickly. He has been manufacturing exhaust systems for many years and for me to question the quality of his products was too much. This has been going on for 6 or 7 weeks now and I was not in the best of moods to start with!! Conversation deteriorated rapidly after he refused to explain the photo HE took of the pipe in the jig. Oh well, life!!
Joesoap, It was NOT Dave Platt but his minion who manufactures the pipes on his behalf. Had a very heated telephone conversation with the bloke but to be fair I could understand him being a little prickly. He has been manufacturing exhaust systems for many years and for me to question the quality of his products was too much. This has been going on for 6 or 7 weeks now and I was not in the best of moods to start with!! Conversation deteriorated rapidly after he refused to explain the photo HE took of the pipe in the jig. Oh well, life!!
I hear you mate but i own and run a company and if one of my lads fk up then the sh1t comes to my door and i sort it and also welcome this arrangment...For this fabricator to be so defensive in the path of hard evidence shows he,s a bellend mate...hope you get it sorted
I hear you mate but i own and run a company and if one of my lads fk up then the sh1t comes to my door and i sort it and also welcome this arrangment...For this fabricator to be so defensive in the path of hard evidence shows he,s a bellend mate...hope you get it sorted
I hear you mate but i own and run a company and if one of my lads fk up then the sh1t comes to my door and i sort it and also welcome this arrangment...For this fabricator to be so defensive in the path of hard evidence shows he,s a bellend mate...hope you get it sorted
I have tried all manner to sort this before asking on this forum for any others who might have had the same manufacturing error. Dirty washing should be done at home but after being fobbed off too many times I have come to the end of the patience bit - hence the 'heated' conversation yesterday! They are sending original pipe back with apparently modifications made....maybe??? Dave Platt is in France at the moment hence only route was to call fabricators at his request though, didn't want to be in the middle...
When I purchased the bike it had the Zard Penta slip on exhaust fitted and this was not in the best of health. There must be a catalyst of sorts inside which had come adrift and was rattling around and with no method of access unless you cut the thing apart!. Time for a change and the DP system required the OEM LHS exhaust hanger/bracket which was missing but a new RHS hanger supplied with pipes. RHS hanger bolts onto pipes on the horizontal or 9'o clock position and the LHS bracket bolts to pipe at 5'o clock position or approx 35 degrees below horizontal. Pictures say a 1000 words so they say and probably better than I do here
Well that is not good. I have just recently purchased a set of DP Outlaw Shorties for my 2017 R3R and they fit perfectly. The finish was first rate and fit was tight but right. There was minimal piping in the crossover and all hardware was supplied. I even got another 8 hp on top of the Tors. I dealt with DP a couple of times and found him quite a nice guy. Not sure he would be very impressed about his manufacturer treating customers like this
Well that is not good. I have just recently purchased a set of DP Outlaw Shorties for my 2017 R3R and they fit perfectly. The finish was first rate and fit was tight but right. There was minimal piping in the crossover and all hardware was supplied. I even got another 8 hp on top of the Tors. I dealt with DP a couple of times and found him quite a nice guy. Not sure he would be very impressed about his manufacturer treating customers like this