Dave Platt Exhaust

Decel pop is caused by a very lean map setting by Triumph to meet emission standards. Maybe someone will come out with a new fuel map for the Rocket 3..
And this is the reason I won’t buy them until the ECU can be mapped. Lots of people assuming the bike can accommodate the change just because the the bloke who makes them says it can.
Especially if they say it on the internet.

Me?, cynical?, again?.
Hearing the popping on decel after picking up the Rocket GT, I took it to a local shop with an exhaust gas spectrometer and it was running on the ragged edge of too lean.
Was fluctuating between 14 and 15 fuel to air.. Checked for an exhaust/header leak, but all was tight. Its not terrible with stock exhaust, but aftermarket would sound
like a piece of trash on decel... Love the bike, dont get me wrong, but no telling what a good fuel map would do on a dyno to turn on the HP.
I have a feeling Triumph detuned the fuel delivery system to get it under 170hp.. Fuel is the easiest way to do that after the bike is assembled with a computer driven map.
Nice, it was always going to be lean to meet the new Euro 5, I’m not massively disappointed by the sound, don’t get me wrong it’s far from ideal but better then the stock pipes on my Roadster. Time will tell if we can crack the ECU but if we do Like you said it has the potential to lift her up substantially with a decent map.
Decel pop is caused by a very lean map setting by Triumph to meet emission standards. Maybe someone will come out with a new fuel map for the Rocket 3..
I have a feeling disabling the PAIR valve/system will make it better instantly, at least that was the case with my Kawasaki Vulcan.
I have a feeling disabling the PAIR valve/system will make it better instantly, at least that was the case with my Kawasaki Vulcan.
It could cure the popping but If they decide to start checking emissions on MOTs which I don’t think is far away it could be an issue!
It could cure the popping but If they decide to start checking emissions on MOTs which I don’t think is far away it could be an issue!
That's true, but i thought it was worth it.