Sorry, I was busy today ...
Phil it doesnt' become you to defend the guy, he is what he is and regardless of you defending him, or me and others stating the obvious, he will always act tough and superior like a woman behind the wheel. If belittleing, bragging and insults are his game, then let him justify it himself. You rode with the guy once, obviously he chopped you up in little pieces over the tire issue ... why?
If his personality is difficult to percieve online, maybe he shouldn't go there. Just like people safely enclosed in their cars, cutting others off in traffic because they can, acting like children with no respect for others. Those people might not act like that when face to face with people, but they do when on the other side of annonymity like a car or a computer. I've enjoyed this site because those types typically don't exist here, Cyber-terrorists are what I call them. They show up in public, drop a hate-bomb and sit back to watch the carnage. Sick.