and you do that very well, I was impressed with how well you handled the twisty stuff Lope :thumbsup: for a smaller guy you ride like a much bigger guy throwing her around with ease :thumbsup:

As for the front tyre wear I recently went to a MC tyre and the front tyre wear was much the same as with a Darkside which I have gone back to with no regrets as if inflated correctly to suit the rider and load flicks from side to side as fast and unless you are limp-wristed:rolleyes: is no problem even at lower speeds in fact once you have actually done a few thousand km or miles you will hardley notice the difference getting of a DS to a MC tyred bike I know I don't

But Please Note this is Just My Opinion For what it is Worth and the Nay Sayers can go to Hell as apart from Phil (who was running a Toyo tyre which was too soft in tyre wall, I have used it as well and got rid of it) I don't believe any of the others have done enough miles/Kilometers or are Qualified to actually give an Honest Opinion
YES rider skill is must if your racing on the street or track and you guys don't go to the track SO your street racing and Ive done plenty of both over the years I bought CF wheels with tires a CT on the rear and MC tire up front and rode the bike over a 1000 miles and the front tire was worn to start but looked to have 50 percent left BUT the 1000 miles I rode scrubbed the front tire down to nothing I then replaced the CT with a Shinko MCT tire that cost only $125 and a front MCT that was $93 and that combo transformed the bike The weird handling and front tire wear ceased and the rear 005 ADVANCE Shinko lasted over 10,000 miles
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My opinion on this subject is that I tried a CT for over a season and in the end decided that I prefer a MT. I keep that to myself because it is none of my business what anybody else runs. Nowadays when we meet up as a group I don't even notice what kind of tires are on your bike and I don't notice a line of darksiders running at the back of the pack trying to keep up either.
and you do that very well, I was impressed with how well you handled the twisty stuff Lope :thumbsup: for a smaller guy you ride like a much bigger guy throwing her around with ease :thumbsup:

As for the front tyre wear I recently went to a MC tyre and the front tyre wear was much the same as with a Darkside which I have gone back to with no regrets as if inflated correctly to suit the rider and load flicks from side to side as fast and unless you are limp-wristed:rolleyes: is no problem even at lower speeds in fact once you have actually done a few thousand km or miles you will hardley notice the difference getting of a DS to a MC tyred bike I know I don't

But Please Note this is Just My Opinion For what it is Worth and the Nay Sayers can go to Hell as apart from Phil (who was running a Toyo tyre which was too soft in tyre wall, I have used it as well and got rid of it) I don't believe any of the others have done enough miles/Kilometers or are Qualified to actually give an Honest Opinion

Well I know you can't be referring to me because, as you know, I was basing my comments on what was said on this day by both @ruzzle and RockHard (and I thought by you too, but could be wrong). Surely you're not suggesting they made it up :eek: Of course someone would have to stop talking to hear what anyone else had to say. I recall that coming up on that day too....:roll:

How about we apply that rule to everything else, for instance, homosexuality, gun ownership, Obamacare, and of course living under any political system other than your own. If you don't have extensive experience in the subject, you're not allowed an opinion. That should calm things down significantly.
That'd kill off most forums! - yes I AM A CYNIC
I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not post on darkside threads I must not.......:) :) :) :) :)