Yes under acceleration a CT is heavier and has a great flywheel effect SO will absorb power.
However the same effect makes constant speed cruising smoother - it's just Physics.

And Physics is just watching things and understanding.

The front's wear out due to the weight, heat and road surface finish allied to the rate at which you corner - again Physics.
So btw do the rears. The ratio of designed rim width to true rim width can create what is termed a pinch fit or slack fit. This also affects where and how a tyre wears.

Talk to ANY true tyre expert and you'll get the same thing. A half tonne at 132 fps on a small contact patch banked over and thus exerting shear force WILL wear rubber.

C/T's by DESIGN have sidewalls that flex - M/C tyres by design DO NOT. Apples and oranges - both make nice juice.

M/C rims are generally better made with respect to profile.
An M/C tyre will NOT safely stay adhered to the bead-rim of a CAR rim.
A Car Tyre has stiffer beads and will adhere to pretty much anything.

I CAN GUARANTY that a Carpenter engine (or TTS conversion) would not only void warranty - but in most of Europe (the UK uses different laws for now - 2017 is not far away guys) will void it's road legal status and, unless specifically negotiated, it's insurance. Unless a mfr specifically OK's a design change it's an invalidating change. Stuff Triumph - this is LAW.

The exhaust would be an instant FAIL here. that I know. It is NOT € marked. Then again nor are my Thugs.
Filters are a bit of a grey area - most filters make very little difference - changing the inlet tracts - will affect the homologated characteristics - FAIL.

But most of us probably really don't care what anybody else thinks anyway.
Holy mother fluck! I'm as confused as Bruce Jenner. Well, not quite as confused because I like being a man. However, today I'm going to stick with MC tires. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Holy mother fluck! I'm as confused as Bruce Jenner. Well, not quite as confused because I like being a man. However, today I'm going to stick with MC tires. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
YOU can go DARKSIDE if you go gay they go together HA HA just kidding
Yes under acceleration a CT is heavier and has a great flywheel effect SO will absorb power.
However the same effect makes constant speed cruising smoother - it's just Physics.

And Physics is just watching things and understanding.

The front's wear out due to the weight, heat and road surface finish allied to the rate at which you corner - again Physics.
So btw do the rears. The ratio of designed rim width to true rim width can create what is termed a pinch fit or slack fit. This also affects where and how a tyre wears.

Talk to ANY true tyre expert and you'll get the same thing. A half tonne at 132 fps on a small contact patch banked over and thus exerting shear force WILL wear rubber.

C/T's by DESIGN have sidewalls that flex - M/C tyres by design DO NOT. Apples and oranges - both make nice juice.

M/C rims are generally better made with respect to profile.
An M/C tyre will NOT safely stay adhered to the bead-rim of a CAR rim.
A Car Tyre has stiffer beads and will adhere to pretty much anything.

I CAN GUARANTY that a Carpenter engine (or TTS conversion) would not only void warranty - but in most of Europe (the UK uses different laws for now - 2017 is not far away guys) will void it's road legal status and, unless specifically negotiated, it's insurance. Unless a mfr specifically OK's a design change it's an invalidating change. Stuff Triumph - this is LAW.

The exhaust would be an instant FAIL here. that I know. It is NOT € marked. Then again nor are my Thugs.
Filters are a bit of a grey area - most filters make very little difference - changing the inlet tracts - will affect the homologated characteristics - FAIL.

But most of us probably really don't care what anybody else thinks anyway.
THE rim beads are designed for the correct tires neither will fit the incorrect rim correctly
Yes under acceleration a CT is heavier and has a great flywheel effect SO will absorb power.
However the same effect makes constant speed cruising smoother - it's just Physics.

And Physics is just watching things and understanding.

The front's wear out due to the weight, heat and road surface finish allied to the rate at which you corner - again Physics.
So btw do the rears. The ratio of designed rim width to true rim width can create what is termed a pinch fit or slack fit. This also affects where and how a tyre wears.

Talk to ANY true tyre expert and you'll get the same thing. A half tonne at 132 fps on a small contact patch banked over and thus exerting shear force WILL wear rubber.

C/T's by DESIGN have sidewalls that flex - M/C tyres by design DO NOT. Apples and oranges - both make nice juice.

M/C rims are generally better made with respect to profile.
An M/C tyre will NOT safely stay adhered to the bead-rim of a CAR rim.
A Car Tyre has stiffer beads and will adhere to pretty much anything.

I CAN GUARANTY that a Carpenter engine (or TTS conversion) would not only void warranty - but in most of Europe (the UK uses different laws for now - 2017 is not far away guys) will void it's road legal status and, unless specifically negotiated, it's insurance. Unless a mfr specifically OK's a design change it's an invalidating change. Stuff Triumph - this is LAW.

The exhaust would be an instant FAIL here. that I know. It is NOT € marked. Then again nor are my Thugs.
Filters are a bit of a grey area - most filters make very little difference - changing the inlet tracts - will affect the homologated characteristics - FAIL.

But most of us probably really don't care what anybody else thinks anyway.
YEP you cant do anything over there BUT you DO anyway
Wrong there Art, it takes a real man to go dark side and be able to handle it:D
and you do that very well, I was impressed with how well you handled the twisty stuff Lope :thumbsup: for a smaller guy you ride like a much bigger guy throwing her around with ease :thumbsup:

As for the front tyre wear I recently went to a MC tyre and the front tyre wear was much the same as with a Darkside which I have gone back to with no regrets as if inflated correctly to suit the rider and load flicks from side to side as fast and unless you are limp-wristed:rolleyes: is no problem even at lower speeds in fact once you have actually done a few thousand km or miles you will hardley notice the difference getting of a DS to a MC tyred bike I know I don't

But Please Note this is Just My Opinion For what it is Worth and the Nay Sayers can go to Hell as apart from Phil (who was running a Toyo tyre which was too soft in tyre wall, I have used it as well and got rid of it) I don't believe any of the others have done enough miles/Kilometers or are Qualified to actually give an Honest Opinion
But Please Note this is Just My Opinion For what it is Worth and the Nay Sayers can go to Hell as apart from Phil (who was running a Toyo tyre which was too soft in tyre wall, I have used it as well and got rid of it) I don't believe any of the others have done enough miles/Kilometers or are Qualified to actually give an Honest Opinion

How about we apply that rule to everything else, for instance, homosexuality, gun ownership, Obamacare, and of course living under any political system other than your own. If you don't have extensive experience in the subject, you're not allowed an opinion. That should calm things down significantly.
As for warrantied I am glad the dealer did not notice my TTS kit when he did the update kit.

Now as the world is becoming more LGBT oriented I see no reason why it can not be LGBT-DS :D
other then that the only thing I get from this thread now is
