and you do that very well, I was impressed with how well you handled the twisty stuff Lope
for a smaller guy you ride like a much bigger guy throwing her around with ease
As for the front tyre wear I recently went to a MC tyre and the front tyre wear was much the same as with a Darkside which I have gone back to with no regrets as if inflated correctly to suit the rider and load flicks from side to side as fast and unless you are limp-wristed
is no problem even at lower speeds in fact once you have actually done a few thousand km or miles you will hardley notice the difference getting of a DS to a MC tyred bike I know I don't
But Please Note this is Just My Opinion For what it is Worth and the Nay Sayers can go to Hell as apart from Phil (who was running a Toyo tyre which was too soft in tyre wall, I have used it as well and got rid of it) I don't believe any of the others have done enough miles/Kilometers or are Qualified to actually give an Honest Opinion