I personally don't give a rat's patoot what tire YOU use. You're a big boy. You can decide.
But I hate these threads because innocent young people and uninformed noobies come and are introduced to one the flat out dumbest ideas ever ginned up .... in the name of being a cheapskate.
Are you going to die because of it? Probably not. Could you be compromised in a dangerous setting? Yes.
Is a car tire worse than a throttle lock? I dunno...
A similar scenario plays out when people discover that passenger car tires are cheaper than ST designated "special trailer" tires. They don't want to spend the extra money when their trailer needs tires, and they note that the car tire specs are even better than those for the ST. What they don't consider is that the two tires are designed for different purposes and in the widest range of circumstances, the ST will be acceptable, while the range of acceptable circumstances for the car tire is smaller.
This motorcycle vs. car tire issue is similar. The only place where the car tire wins most of the time is in cheapness. And all it takes is one accident to negate all of the cost savings.
Those who choose the car tire would appear to know the price of everything and the value of nothing.