We have had this discussion before. It's just hard for me to take serious safety advice about some who considers ct's to be so dangerous, yet is perfectly fine with owning and riding a modified motorcycle making a hundred hp more than a stock version. And calling you nuts for using a car tire.
AND I know my back tire wont come off the rim and kill my daughter ,wife,son or whoever IM saying you know the tires not safe so I wouldnt use one BUT maybe you could get special wheels made to fit CAR TIRES
I would like to see evidence of even one blowout or accident caused by a car tire on a motorcycle. I would think a car tire would meet or exceed any specs for a motorcycle tire. If there have been any ill effects other than some peoples fear, where are they?
We have had this discussion before. It's just hard for me to take serious safety advice about some who considers ct's to be so dangerous, yet is perfectly fine with owning and riding a modified motorcycle making a hundred hp more than a stock version. And calling you nuts for using a car tire.
Your analogy doesn't hold water. HP is widely variable and its safetu is controlled by the operator. Tires are designed for specific vehicles based upon how they operate and handle.