Custom Plates

Do I understand you correctly, R-III-R Turbo? It would cost about $1,100 US to get a vanity plate in Ireland???

If so, stop the lights. That's gone in the head.
Do I understand you correctly, R-III-R Turbo? It would cost about $1,100 US to get a vanity plate in Ireland???

If so, stop the lights. That's gone in the head.

Custom Plates in NZ now at NZ$1K so about $750.00USD, my wife was going to get one for her new Golf GTi "but not at that price" she said.
Do I understand you correctly, R-III-R Turbo? It would cost about $1,100 US to get a vanity plate in Ireland???

If so, stop the lights. That's gone in the head.

Yeap, and you can only pick a sequential number. The rest of the plate must contain a county (must be your residential county) and the year of registration.

So if you had a 911 Porsche and only 909 vehicles were registered in your county that year, you couldn't get ur vanity plate.
$25 DOLLARS WILL GET U A SPECIAL PLATE But u can not get **** u or **** head or something like that.
Worked very well for me when it was on my Ninja!
I'm not fast enough these days to put it on my Roadster.

You can get IFORGOT, so when the cops ask what the plate was...

Finally...only took about 2 months!

Your "RKT3" plate looks sharp!
Not too nuts about the Anita Bryant oranges though.
You know tis a darn shame states make a sweet looking plate and then force you to stick on an uglyass date sticker every year!
I leave my plate unsullied and always carry my rego and current tab with me.
No problems in 11 years and 15 to 20 police stops.
Actually not even once have I been asked about it or told to put the tabs on.