Personalized plates are an extra $10 over the cost of regular registration in Virginia. The state sells millions of them.
Places that charge outrageous fees wonder why they don't sell. Duhhhh...
View media item 10549
Places like Ireland - one of the stooopidest places in the world. it used to be €350, but they, being so clever, upped it to €1000 in 2009. and of course sales plummeted.
Now bear in mind these are not proper custom plates, all you can do is reserve a number; e.g. 911, for your Porsche let's say.
And then you have to wait until there are 910 vehicles registered in that county before you can register yours.
You see the registration numbers here are done by year, county, sequential number. they also have the EU-directed country code on the side (IRL in this case).
For example 12-D-3445 would be a vehicle registered in Dublin in 2012, the 3445th vehicle to be registered there that year. It's actually the best system I've seen in the world (depsite being irish).
Anyhooo despite the ridiculous price tag i went to the trouble of falsifying my address with the authorities as being in a distant county called Roscommon, and reserved the registration 10-RN-111 for my '10 Roadster.
I was going to be clever in that I was gonna shrink the N in "RN" to be the same size as the "-" that normally goes between the sets of digits, so the plate would look like 10-R-111, and the bike would look so cool.
So anyway then on the day i brought my new-ish bike into the registration office, with my certificate of reserved registration, the bureaucrat at the desk told me "computer says no".
After an investigation it turned out that they had kicked off a new software that day, which didnt allow registration numbers to be reserved for previous years - only for upcoming years.
it was a glitch because in the law book it says a registration may be reserved for the upcoming year; it doesnt say anything about previous years so they assumed its not allowed... and the number i reserved was vacant because they keep the numbers 1-200 to sell to people who want a low number to look special, and nobody bought 111 in Roscommon in 2010.
so in the end they refunded me my €1000, instead of making a minor change to the software to allow it.
I phoned every manager i could get a number for and nobody would agree that they should honour my reservation because i had already paid for it and received the certificate confirming i had that number reserved.
sickens me to the pit of my stomach because if i had to go in even the day before, the software wasnt activated then and i would have got the reg plate.
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