Custom Plates

Do I understand you correctly, R-III-R Turbo? It would cost about $1,100 US to get a vanity plate in Ireland???:whitstling:

If so, stop the lights. That's gone in the head.:roll:
Do I understand you correctly, R-III-R Turbo? It would cost about $1,100 US to get a vanity plate in Ireland???:whitstling:

If so, stop the lights. That's gone in the head.:roll:

Yeap, and you can only pick a sequential number. The rest of the plate must contain a county (must be your residential county) and the year of registration.

So if you had a 911 Porsche and only 909 vehicles were registered in your county that year, you couldn't get ur vanity plate.
$25 DOLLARS WILL GET U A SPECIAL PLATE But u can not get **** u or **** head or something like that.
Worked very well for me when it was on my Ninja! :thumbsup:
I'm not fast enough these days to put it on my Roadster. :(

I have been thinking about getting a 'plate', but people remember custom plates easily, and being the ' Hoon' that I sometimes am, don't really want to give anyone the heads-up on who owns my bike. But if I did get a 'plate' I think I would get R3LLIK , which is KILL3R spelt backwards, or maybe XTR3ME/XTR3M3. It has to have R3 in it somewhere for me. Preferably at the start, also 6 letters/digits at most. Still has to make people think so its not easy to remember when Joe Public explains to the coppers that a bike went past them wheel spinning @150kmph +.LoL
You can get IFORGOT, so when the cops ask what the plate was... :sneaky:

Finally...only took about 2 months!

Your "RKT3" plate looks sharp! :thumbsup:
Not too nuts about the Anita Bryant oranges though. :p
You know tis a darn shame states make a sweet looking plate and then force you to stick on an uglyass date sticker every year! :thumbsdown:
I leave my plate unsullied and always carry my rego and current tab with me.
No problems in 11 years and 15 to 20 police stops.
Actually not even once have I been asked about it or told to put the tabs on.