Custom Plates

Just got my bike and I saw that my first choice of, TWOTONE is taken in Cali, but will go with DOUTONE, instead. Goes to the bike's black and white paint and my love of British Ska too

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I have been thinking about getting a 'plate', but people remember custom plates easily, and being the ' Hoon' that I sometimes am, don't really want to give anyone the heads-up on who owns my bike. But if I did get a 'plate' I think I would get R3LLIK , which is KILL3R spelt backwards, or maybe XTR3ME/XTR3M3. It has to have R3 in it somewhere for me. Preferably at the start, also 6 letters/digits at most. Still has to make people think so its not easy to remember when Joe Public explains to the coppers that a bike went past them wheel spinning @150kmph +.LoL
Just ordered mine yesterday from Mississippi. Should have them by time the bike gets here "2300CC"
I am ordering BC plates next season " GLLOQ" ask any frenchman to spell it out loud !! real sweet!!
"ARDBEG" They are called "Vanity Plates" in Alaska and are generally pretty cheap. -Doug
Look left. We can only have 5 spaces on bike plates in MA. @ $50.00 extra. There were a few others way to spell ROCKET but they were taken. So I am thinking there are a few other Rockets with vanity plates in MA.