Is this a commercial product? seems to think that the Rocket is not one of Triumph's models.


No Marvin it is a home made filter base from a road sign :D The filter is a standard Pipercross with the three mounting tabs cut off and nut inserts installed.
Thanks Warp & Steel. I think I might try that. I have the triple K&Ns in a box ready to do, thinking they were helpful, although this thread has confused me as to whether that it true.

That 150 mm height version of this filter is interesting. No one's ever tried to make a bigger bearclaw, have they? (I have to quit looking at the humor pics. I keep thinking, "Ya know, I'd do that".)

They're both on the other side of the Earth for us poor Brit's. :(
don't be slack go and find a good pipe fabricator tell them what you want and go from there.
Owl from .com site be able to steer you he had that inlet manifold made there in UK somewhere