Marvin M

Do you have pics of the skint up mufflers...

If there are not total trashed I can get the looking much better that they look now

Just a some pics and I can tell you if I can help
So what everyone is saying is....the small K&Ns I have under the bear claw is costing me HP..

So I should make me a set of 6 inch volocity stacks and rubber band some panty hose over the tops of them:eek:

Joey you can alway use the OEM velocity stacks and buy a set of the ITG JCS12 filters. to go overthem. you can shorten them a wee bit to fit under the bear claw just as Neville lush uses the uni foam filters on gis rockets. cutting the bear claw is then optional. you can go with a full cut or partial cut like some of the bike you see . and as long at you shorten the filters to say 5 inch you will be able to buy outerwear pre-filter covers to protect them from rain and dust,

You can also go with this style claw and prefilters

You can also use the piper cross system with the OEM Velocity stacks
I just installed the 1770s on mine. Plan on sculpted holes in the BC, but so far very happy and over 6" of vertical air on top of the OEM stacks.
I'm reviving this thread because my bike is sitting in a custom shop right now and one of the first things that is going to happen is a custom exhaust fab. The plan is for 3 into 2 reminiscent of the originals, but the cans will dump under the passenger foot boards or slightly behind so they will be "shorties" to a degree. I understand that Nev or Carpenter pipes would make more horsepower, but I want to keep the balance of two pipes coming out the back. So the original question remains...Any guidance on header pipe size? Anything in particular I should be looking for?
Bit of a hassle maybe but I have a set of the custom flanges Neville Lush used to make. He tells me that Ric at Reband uses a very similar style of flange on his exhausts. He has them made by another bloke on his CNC machine ... flanges are better than the ones Triumph uses. Perhaps you could get a set sent over and use them on your custom system. Ric be the one to talk to mate.
I may pursue that TC...they are supposed to have mock up done next week so I will see what they come up with. If it looks chicken$hit I will put a halt to it and start looking for options. Thanks Mate
I'm reviving this thread because my bike is sitting in a custom shop right now and one of the first things that is going to happen is a custom exhaust fab. The plan is for 3 into 2 reminiscent of the originals, but the cans will dump under the passenger foot boards or slightly behind so they will be "shorties" to a degree. I understand that Nev or Carpenter pipes would make more horsepower, but I want to keep the balance of two pipes coming out the back. So the original question remains...Any guidance on header pipe size? Anything in particular I should be looking for?
Depends on state of engine tune, if not internally modified 1.5/8"
opening to 1.3/4" to keep low end scavenge.
Tuned engine 1.3/4" to 2"
This is only my opinion, but what do I know, I'm daft enough to run a 6 pipe system.
Std to 1 5/8 to 1 3/4 inch
Internally modified for Std RPM range 1 3/4" is the go as I have been told, unless you are going Carpenter internals which are developing their HP up higher in the revs then you want the 2 inch
Supercharged you need to go to 2 inch

heres a view of my new pipes from the rear , i like the tidyness of it now

also got a pair of jardines needing a new home

