Cup Holder

I think this discussion brings out a basic divergence in rider types. Do you view motorcycling as a sport, a lifestyle, or way of commuting/touring? I've always been much more concerned with chicken strips than I have with accessories. I tend to view straight roads as an evil thing needed to connect curves. The only thing I've ever mounted on my handlebars was a radar detector. Oh, and occasionally a GPS.

I dunno, I use my bike for the twisties. And commuting. And long tours. With or without windshield, depending on what the weather is like and how far I'm going. With or without phone mount and cup holder, again depending on what I'm up to.

The Touring can do it all for me. Sure, I could ride extremely illegally fast with a supersport in the twisties department, but riding that fast on public roads is pretty foolish - and then I'd be uncomfortable and unhappy when I'm not going much too fast. When you push the limits, sometimes they push back, and if they push back on a track at least you have runoff zones. When they push back on public roads, you probably die, or worse, kill somebody (and die).

Oh wow that's cool!

Looks cool, but hot! That close to the motor may change that. However very cool! I use the on on the bars and a Contigo thermal for the drinks. Works awesome because you have to depress the button to open at all. That way it's not sucking out the top!
I reckon one that goes on the handlebar will heat a drink up by the sun. In fact I am sure if it. Been there done that. But all in all, I need wet more than I need cool.
Mine is a 5x. I didn't know they went past XXX. The stuff I must be missing.

Ahhhh, a brother of the order of the whompus cabeza HJC CL-MAX II ? That is the only one that I know of that goes to XXXXX.
Ok, I got it! I got it!

I wear leather chaps and no pants. I get some astonished looks but it's cool in the summer. Seat stinks though.



You and Rob Halford!
You had me going for a moment there as the closest thing to a Koozie I could think of was 'Floozie' and it sounded like quite a good deal although I didn't see the relationship besides the 'mounting'. :D
Then Googled it and discovered your 'koozie' is our 'stubby cooler'.

For us being related you are not very bi:roll:lingual
Funny how words change

America-Cotton Candy
Scotland-candy floss
Austrailia-Fairy floss(I think)


the one that really puts a smile on my face is when Americans use the word fanny:roll: where I come from it is something you are trying to get into every Friday and Saturday night looks are not important:p