Crash bars, engine guards, sliders Rocket 3 R/ GT

I'm guessing the bottoms attach where the R model's controls go. I have an R, so I'm hoping they also make one for it that attaches where the GT controls normally go.

This IS a GT - and they are mounted in the area of the controls of the GT.

And as much as I am searching for something like this, I would not mount it, because in case of a crash you can say directly "Goodbye" to the housing of your motor... the low attachment point will directly break...
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I would think it's more for low speed slides or mostly tipping the bike over rather serious crashes.
So there is a chance it would to its job I guess.

Yes, it "IS" a GT. You're right, it's connected under the GT control area. Here's the best I can do with an enlargement....

It may well break and do damage to the engine but it may also keep the hot ass exhaust from frying your leg to a crisp if you were in a collision with the Rocket on it's side on top of you. In that case I don't care about the engine. I'll let my insurance worry about that. My 05 was in a collision and the crash bars broke on the side it fell on (right side). Still no damage to me or the engine.
When I first bought my new Rocket I was wanting to buy engine guard bars something like this but I am not longer interested. All my other bikes have guards like this so I can go one bike without them. I’m afraid they do not help the look of the bike. If I drop it in a low to no speed incident then I’ll just pay to fix it.
. If I drop it in a low to no speed incident then I’ll just pay to fix it.
Same here Doc. If I drop it I will borrow money from you to pay for it . Realistically if you drop your bike with crass bars there will still be damage to your bike. It's a psychological thing knowing you have crass bars that if you drop it it shouldn't brake the bank. I like cone patterns and slow work on my Rocket. My ass is tight enough to make coal into a diamond when I do it though. With my 05 and 14 Rockets I had crash bar and didn't worry. I worry now and don't do as much slow work as I use to. In essence I'm a chicken sh** although my Rocket is looking as good as when I bought it.
My bike still looks new also. I just applied a ceramic coat to the whole thing including the wheels and engine. I do not worry about dropping a bike. I’ve only done it twice in 14 years but both bikes did have guard bars and there was no damage, except to my ego. The new Rockets feel very light when moving around the garage and at slow speeds.

PS interest rates are high bro, don’t drop it.