They look like a good place to hang some extra lights. I wouldn't expect much protection from $152 chinese steel.
I would expect about £150 of protection out of them if you hit the deck while moving.
That said, if you drop the bike on the driveway, they will most likely save you some repair cost even if they fold on impact and you have to throw them away after.
Horses for courses....
Hi There have Crash Bars for Triumph Rocket 3 GT 2020/2022 models They are under the heading MOTORBIKE BUMPER ENGINE GUARD FRAME SLIDER PROTECTOR FOR TRIUMPH ROCKET 3 GT They are the same ones in the Night Kids Carbon photo as shown in this thread They cost $152 US I have a set coming for my Rocket 3 GT They are made in Mainland China out of high-grade Aluminium They come in Silver or Black Kind Regards Mark from New Zealand
Crash bars have arrived and look amazing They bolt on by the big bolt that holds the motor to the frame but you have to take the side airbox off to fit the LH side which means removing the tank Ths Crash Bars are made from High Tensile allinium with the knob on the outside solid steel for a grinding buffer when you slide down the road
Crash bars have arrived and look amazing They bolt on by the big bolt that holds the motor to the frame but you have to take the side airbox off to fit the LH side which means removing the tank Ths Crash Bars are made from High Tensile allinium with the knob on the outside solid steel for a grinding buffer when you slide down the road
Please post a photo when you get them fitted.
I also did this search, with no luck. Maybe next year there will be enough of these on the road to interest accessory makers. Seems like a @Lamonster opportunity!
I read with interest your posts about protection for the lower engine area if you did not read my earlier post I was involved in spring 2023 with in a low speed encounter with an suv that turned into my lane on the right , destabilizing me I climbed on the sidewalk wobbling and the bike fell on its left side on an asphalt entrance to a mall the result did not look too bad ....BUT the left gearshifter was ripped out from the lower engine case and somehow damaged the lower case thread. and causing the thread of the case to partly break off ( very cheap metal) the shifting of gears became totally impossible...I spent the whole summer of 2023 trying to get it fixed was told by various mechanics it was a write- off , now as of this early January the bike as been completely dismantled by an independent mechanic who is going to send the lower case to a milling shop for milling the part of the wall or something of that nature in order to make shifting possible again , I purchased the rocket3 /R gear shift kit and will mount it in the mid position ( available as option from GT) it is that or buy the whole engine as one cannot purchase a lower case only . price of entire engine about $ 8200 as I could not find a wrecked R3 for spare anywhere .
so protecting those footpegs in the GT is definitively a must and well worth the cost of making a steel cage around the gear shifter and brake pedal
so glad something is out which is not hard on pocket as the 1st Rocket crash guard cnc mount over 5000USD listed below in photo

Thanks for sharing that Aliexpress, something is better than nothing IMO and that aliexpress mount is cheaper than new gas tank for sure in case of stationary drop
As some may have seen, my dealer dropped my R3R last November. Damage was considerable. Footpeg scuffed, Gearshift bent, Rear axle cover scuffed, Handlebars bent, Tank dented by handlebars, Handlebar end scuffed, Clutch lever bent, and scuffs to the Final Drive (caused by grounding) and Engine case (caused by the shift lever).
All scuffed & bent parts were replaced, a dent removal guy repaired the tank, and the scuffs on the drive and engine were carefully touched up. Parts were over $1k, and I didn't see the labor and dent repair costs. For a tip-over, this is quite the list. It's a heavy bike with a lot of bling in exposed places.
If I had dropped it, I wouldn't have done so much of the cosmetics and would have tried to straighten anything myself.
For most of you, the best thing would be to be careful where you park and how stable the ground under the sidestand is. This must cause far more tips than anything else. Anything at speed and the side of your bike is the least of your worries. Ride safe!!!!
I always park the bike in gear so it cannot roll forward. This happened to a friend of mine. I have never done this before with any bike, unless it was on a hill or something like that
Good point. I don't place my Rocket in Neutral when parked or stopped at a red traffic phase. Clutch is always in. It only finds neutral when I start it and the clutch is activated just in case it decides to try to slip out of gear on me. It happened on my 05 Rocket among other things. That bike was always f****** with me.:mad: