Corbin Beetle Bags 2012 Roadster Phantom Black

Looks really good. I just got mine after Christmas and I've been wondering if there are any difficulties installing the sissy bar with the bags installed?

Is your R3R Phantom Black?

Not to recant my earlier post but...when the bags finally arrived I installed them at dusk and took the pictures in the shade. I have not had much time to ride since I installed them but today it was a beautiful sunny day. In bright sunlight the bags are clearly a different shade of black than the bike rear fender. Disappointing but after shipping them back once to get the blue flake in the paint, and waiting months, I am not interested in contacting Corbin again. They look great, fit great and so long as I park in the shade they match great.
I really like the look of the corbin bags with one BIG EXCEPTION. I dislike the passenger leg cutouts. They look like they would work great for the passenger, but that leaves the bike looking like it catches wind when riding solo. I don't plan to ride two-up. Infact, I've put a solo fast gun saddle and removed the rear pegs. $1800 is a lot to just make cool looking bags when viewed from the rear. Though that is the view most often seen of a rocket. I would consider spending near $1500 for a slightly lower capacity, narrower, solo only version of corbins bags. They can call them the dung beetle bags. For those that ride alone on their own accord or due to olfactory emanations.
Oh. I agree. I don't like the cutout either. I never take a passenger and both my bikes are setup solo.