Well... the radiator drama ended, I drove it home to the house where the ignition switch took the big dump! So I just ordered an RF remote switch set off Ebay to do the keyless ignition mod. The fun just won't stop! I love riding this bike, but c'mon...
Same exact symptoms. Started last fall. Just a few drops overnight. I chalked it up to the cold night warming days. Occurred whether the engine had been ran recently or not. Never see it out on a ride (coffee stops, etc), only overnight. During spring clean up I tightened the hoses/clamps, flushed the system, and reset cap. It wasn't down much in the way of fluid, maybe one ounce total (if the bike was leaned to stand angle, the fluid was still in the cap mouth. Was hoping the tightening would solve the drips :( Not so much it seems. If I look in the front of the radiator some of the fins are very wet as well so now I'm thinking pinholes? Not sure if a shop can fix those or not? Seems seem to be sound. Can't find a used radiator anywhere on the net! So I'm wondering what it will hurt to ride as is, knowing she'll drip a little overnight sometimes???
Between this and the ignition short, I'm missing the best weather we've had here in Germany in 8 months! :(
if it was me i would not worry about it till i found a rad or some one to repair.
on the other hand if it was to split open while sitting at a stop light and made a big puddle it might make for a wild ride when the rear tire hit the anti-freeze.
A small pinhole can be fixed, if you have a shop that knows what they're doing. While I did ride mine some while it was leaking, I didn't take any trips, for fear of having it let go and stranding me.
Got lucky and found a good deal! I'll ride her as is (once the ignition is fixed) until the new cooler comes in! Planning a 4500 km solo ride in July and wouldn't feel very comfortable taking off with known issues. One of the things I love about this bike (most of the time) is her reliability. Don't want to put her in a position to disappoint me ;)
i have got mine hot riding double up a mountain when you shut it off the coolant comes poaring out of the overflow. that happen twice so now i run it low in the tank. the hot lite never came on.

Same here. Mine whizzed out a puddle while in Arizona. Tank was empty for next couple years. No problems at all. Just changed my coolant and filled the tank again. If that disappears I'll leave it empty again.
Not fer nuthin', but I've been dribblin' for years and it hasn't slowed me down a step, and I ain't referrin' to my motorsickle, either!
guys if you are finding the coolant is excessively overflowing you might check you dont have an air lock in the block, just in front of the first throttle body there is a bleed screw to let air out of system it is a fiddle and a pain but worth the effort