Controlling the Rocket III

Great advice, and from one of the fastest riders I've ever followed. Anyone who's ever followed Andy through the twisties can attest to how deceptively fast he rides because of how smooth he rolls through the turns. Even with all my years of riding, I learned a lot just following your lines through the turns.

And it's great to see you posting again my friend.

One of the most fun times I had on the Rocket was on that Gateway, CO loop ride.

I was trying to get video of everyone and the 2 bikes that were 2-up were kinda hanging back...meanwhile you, Charlie and the rest of the solo riders took off. I had to really boogie to catch you all...fantastically memorable ride! (Didn't publish that part-too illegal).

That was a fun ride. Hopefully we'll have another RAA in that area again soon.
ooooooh aaaaaaah i am so lucky to live and ride this part of the country
The only muscles I feel any stress on are my quadriceps, with ass slid over on seat, head down and shoulders pushed forward, the leverage on the bars is very low so my arms don't pump.

Core doesn't tire of your going fast enough.