Compiled Dynos, I was bored

I was told that was where the big cam lapped from low to high. Trust me, when you're on the throttle you go through it so fast, you don't notice it..

Thanks for that explanation, Amigo!
Made sense even to me.
Results are in, but first:

Nels is an amazingly efficient tuner.
He noticed some of the same quirks about the 2014+ bikes I did that you can't tune out.
My torque curve doesn't have the dip the Carp setups usually have at 4500 rpm.
We validated that the 1750s on or off made zero difference to the power or mixture.

The number are WAYYYYYY off, and not in a good way. Bob and I will be speaking lol.
Results are in, but first:

Nels is an amazingly efficient tuner.
He noticed some of the same quirks about the 2014+ bikes I did that you can't tune out.
My torque curve doesn't have the dip the Carp setups usually have at 4500 rpm.
We validated that the 1750s on or off made zero difference to the power or mixture.

The number are WAYYYYYY off, and not in a good way. Bob and I will be speaking lol.
You can tell us as you are amongst friends here and have peaked our interest! Could it be because of the stock pistons instead of higher compression pistons?
So what were the final numbers? Where is the dyno sheet?
You've been building this up so long, you can't leave us hanging now. :(
First things first, Nels is using the new Winpep 8 software, as of yesterday, and straight from Dynojets own mouth, it reads 5% lower than winpep 7. He verified this by testing two bikes that are like clockwork and put down the same numbers over and over.

Final numbers were 187.8 WHP/154LB-FT, on a winpep 7 Dyno, that's 197whp/162LB-FT.

Correction factor was 0.98, SAE.

There are only two possibilities that can account for this:


1) I was sent the wrong cams, possible but unlikely based on where the torque peak is. The location suggests they are the right profile.

2) The installer has my intake cam rediculously advanced or the exhaust cam is very retarded or some combination of both I/E being way off creating massive overlap.

When testing with no air filters Nels yanked his leg away from the TB mid pull. Afterwards he said it had massive reversion that he could feel on his knee, indicates waaaaaaay to much overlap.

My bet is the installer moved the exhaust quite retarded in fear of having valves meet pistons again....

Looks like I'll be dialing in my own cams after all.
200 legit HP is fun and fast but it's not what I paid for, I don't blame Bob I am super suspicious of the install. I just need to get the cam timing numbers to fix it and confirm it is infact the 265 cam.

Also: my tune was pretty close lol:) only gained 6hp and 5lbft.
I hope you get it straight. That is way low for the 265 kit. I figured you lost some with the stock pistons, and CES pipe, but that is way lower than it should be. And no difference with the filters on or off? That really ain't right.
Exactly lol. I'm not faulting Bob at this point, the power gain is there, its real, and the torque peaks right where I expected it would given the different exhaust. There is no way in flying sam hell the CES vs Brute accounts for a difference of 30lb-ft though, not a chance in hell, so its into the motor I go in the near(ish)future.

I am however, incredibly pleased with the shape of the torque curve, couldn't be more optimal imho, just needs to move up 2 boxes lmao.