First things first, Nels is using the new Winpep 8 software, as of yesterday, and straight from Dynojets own mouth, it reads 5% lower than winpep 7. He verified this by testing two bikes that are like clockwork and put down the same numbers over and over.
Final numbers were 187.8 WHP/154LB-FT, on a winpep 7 Dyno, that's 197whp/162LB-FT.
Correction factor was 0.98, SAE.
There are only two possibilities that can account for this:
1) I was sent the wrong cams, possible but unlikely based on where the torque peak is. The location suggests they are the right profile.
2) The installer has my intake cam rediculously advanced or the exhaust cam is very retarded or some combination of both I/E being way off creating massive overlap.
When testing with no air filters Nels yanked his leg away from the TB mid pull. Afterwards he said it had massive reversion that he could feel on his knee, indicates waaaaaaay to much overlap.
My bet is the installer moved the exhaust quite retarded in fear of having valves meet pistons again....
Looks like I'll be dialing in my own cams after all.