Competition Werkes Exhaust, With or Without DB Killers?

Just installed one with DB killers.Still think it's a bit loud but maybe i just need to get used to it.Will post video ans picture in a new thread
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Thanks for all the good advice - I went ahead and ordered a set with the baffles.
I think you'll love it.
I was riding yesterday, without DB killers, bike sounded great. When on twisty roads and cycling between gears the pipes sound fantastic and not extra loud. It's mostly when on constant highway speed for long period is where the inserts may come in handy.
After yesterdays ride, I questioned whether I really need them. Receiving the inserts today, I still have to decide whether to put them or not.
When you start your Rocket at 5:00 AM the neighbors will let you know if you need the DB killers.
Here's a short video I recorded, cold start with and without the dB killers.

Here is another video of the pipes with the dB killer inserts.

Went for a 1.5 hour ride, definitely more comfortable than before. Almost too comfortable. You here the beautiful exhaust note, decel pops, but you still here surrounding, slight wind noise, and easily hear podcast/music/phone calls through the helmet.
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Hi Zutt
You mean it's more confortable without the db killers?
I just installed mine but only road it for 5 minutes.And i have the db killers in.I always thouth it would be too loud without them.
Maybe i'll try to remove them.
Here's a short video I recorded, cold start with and without the dB killers.

Just curious, did you happen to also do a db reading before you removed the stock pipes?

I found this on the web. According to my understanding a 10 point change in db is a BIG difference- I'll probably keep the baffles in.

Hi Zutt
You mean it's more confortable without the db killers?
I just installed mine but only road it for 5 minutes.And i have the db killers in.I always thouth it would be too loud without them.
Maybe i'll try to remove them.
Sorry man, it was a typo. It's definitely more comfortable WITH the inserts. I hope I caught you before you removed them
Just curious, did you happen to also do a db reading before you removed the stock pipes?

I found this on the web. According to my understanding a 10 point change in db is a BIG difference- I'll probably keep the baffles in.

I never did with the stock pipes cause they were too quiet (I would guess in the 70s), but you can do it by standing behind a Prius or a Civic and testing the sound