Come on let's see those beautiful bikes


Here’s the why:mad:
...geez!!that would have been will be a happy chappy!....
I see the black GT behind you too.....thats the one i to wait till may/june!!!....Congrats Doc...looks real nice!!
Thanks Tal. I’m sure I’ll like it. I did get to hear it run but will do a side by side sound test with that GT soon.
This is my newest addition, 1973 Honda CL450 with an original 14K on the clock. I bought it a few months back to flip, but insured and tagged it last week. Going to be my knock around, run to hardware store, and short back road run machine. I had the exact same bike back in the early 70's when I was a young cop. A buddy on the force and I bought them on the same day, I picked the red and he had a blue one. It has pitting in the chrome, paint chips, and a scratch here and there but the **** thing runs better than new thanks to a new electronic ignition, carb rebuilds/boots, tank lining, tires, brakes, chain and sprockets and so on so on. Sometimes you just can't let one go......


Saaaweeeeet! My first motorcycle was a 1973 CL 350!! Bought it in 1976. Now I wish I still had it.:banghead: