No...those 'classic' bikes are part of a Museum that used to be in Nelson. Nelson is at the top of the south island. It was owned by an American Guy by the name of Sturgis, He sold the collection to a group of Businessmen and they moved it all down to Invercargill which is near the bottom of the south island. The Burt Munro rally, which is on now, is down there too and you can visit the museum while down there for the rally. There are something like 270 odd bikes in that museum.
The rally attracts riders from all over NZ and is on for a week i believe.
The Storm was mine and the Rocket below it was the 2014 i had.
This is my newest addition, 1973 Honda CL450 with an original 14K on the clock. I bought it a few months back to flip, but insured and tagged it last week. Going to be my knock around, run to hardware store, and short back road run machine. I had the exact same bike back in the early 70's when I was a young cop. A buddy on the force and I bought them on the same day, I picked the red and he had a blue one. It has pitting in the chrome, paint chips, and a scratch here and there but the **** thing runs better than new thanks to a new electronic ignition, carb rebuilds/boots, tank lining, tires, brakes, chain and sprockets and so on so on. Sometimes you just can't let one go......
I thought this thread was just for Rockets?
Oh well, here’s my son with our dirt bikes! We are taking them for a ride tomorrow, it’s supposed to be warm out!