Coil Over Plug mod (COP) for standard coil removal

Let us know. This mod can be tricky - electrically at the edge of what the ECM can handle.
Im not sure if this was posted but this was the video i found. I do not see why it would be tricky, the resistance is nearly the same, i did opt to go with the updated 7ea9 spark plugs
I have a miss fire in 2nd gear some times just one hickup now and again usually at hard takeoffs. Hoping this clears it up.
Recognize that you are now running TWO stick coils in parallel - so the net impedance of those two R1 sticks is going to be 0.85 ohms.

Oops! Sorry - @Claviger covered this already

- did you try this with them in series?
I'm not sure how that would work to be honest - you're effectively only charging each coil primary up to 6V when you do that so the commensurate HT spark voltage would also be halved

I never ended up attempting series, but, I cannot recall why at this point. I suspect my thoughts went something like
"Neville has done it and it worked in Parallel, so, let me not f this up experimenting when I know that works"...

Haven't had any issues with them since originally installed.
i am not going to watch 25 minutes of video
but if u hook all the of the triger wires together then the coils will fire all the plugs every time on 1 2 3
seems like a heavy draw load
seems to me that i am missing something?
i am not going to watch 25 minutes of video
but if u hook all the of the triger wires together then the coils will fire all the plugs every time on 1 2 3
seems like a heavy draw load
seems to me that i am missing something?
im not an electrical engineer but the "LOAD" is the same, you did not add more spark plugs and the resistance of 2 coils is actually LESS than that of the 1 coil and BTW the 1 coil is just 2 coils worth of wire in one spot. All that matters for it to run is the resistance and spark gap are set properly with the right plugs.

After reading as much as i could find, the point that i gathered is that all the unsuccessful attempts at this either are from the aftermarket affect or just bad luck. there is defiantly plenty of GOOD success here with these.
Also that video is like 5 minutes if you skip around for the info you need.
im not an electrical engineer but the "LOAD" is the same, you did not add more spark plugs and the resistance of 2 coils is actually LESS than that of the 1 coil and BTW the 1 coil is just 2 coils worth of wire in one spot. All that matters for it to run is the resistance and spark gap are set properly with the right plugs.

After reading as much as i could find, the point that i gathered is that all the unsuccessful attempts at this either are from the aftermarket affect or just bad luck. there is defiantly plenty of GOOD success here with these.
Also that video is like 5 minutes if you skip around for the info you need.

if we are talking about our rockets and you want to fire all the coils at the same time instead of allowing the ecu to fire #1 then#2 then #3
go head
resistance is for checking the coils
if we are talking about our rockets and you want to fire all the coils at the same time instead of allowing the ecu to fire #1 then#2 then #3
go head
resistance is for checking the coils
Is that what this thread is about... firing them all at the same time? Oh boy that would be very taxing for sure.
the video I posted was about just replacing the old design coils and firing each separately.
What would the benefit of firing them all at the same time all the time?
I see no benifit to firing them all of them at the same time
And it may be bad/harmful doing that
Now i did not watch the whole 25 minutes oh the video to see whathe was trying to gain.
Trying to be polite. Sequential ignition should be fired sequentially.

This is not a batch fire or wasted spark system, don't wire it that way.

There is no scenario that exists where wasted spark is superior to sequential on a 3 cylinder, dual plug per cylinder engine, and honestly I'd be shocked if it worked correctly for very long on a factory ECU before burning out the driver.
I guess i should have watched the whole video
i think that the video was probably about the installing coil over plugs (to replace the three coils that we have)
so he may have been putting just two coil over plugs for one cylinder.
sorry about my posting.