Clicking Noise in the Rear Wheel

Update: brakes not dragging, speed sensor all ok, runout on the wheel ~ 0.015", runout on brake rotor ~ 0.005" clicking is pronounced enough with wheel off the ground that you can feel it when your hand is placed on the final drive hub
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Update: when we backed the torque off the axle nut and spun the tire the clicking disappeared
Make sure that you line up the final drive and torque it exactly as it says in the manual. If not, then you will put stress where there is not supposed to be any and you will wear out parts prematurely.
Hummm, VERY interested in the out-come. Mine's a 2013 too. So far so good, but I do notice a change in sound and feeling in the front wheel, when in a turn. I keep checking the rotors for heat after a ride, figure if a bearing is going out, the rotors will start to drag some. As was said, "fingers crossed"
Good news, yay! Glad the issue was the cheaper of most of the possibilities.
Bearings on left side of the tire spin freely...bearings on the right not so much. I think we found our culprit

Make sure you pull the seal and remove the snap ring that holds the bearing. Check the bearing bore for any cracks in the rim around the snap ring area. My bike had similar noises that disappeared when I loosened the axle nut. My right hand bearing was tight also. The rim was cracked and needed to be replaced but you couldn't see the crack until the seal was removed.

Really hope it's only a bearing.