Octane Boost
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KTM 1290 Superduke GT- That thing has it all!
Probably an H2 SX SE, IMHO it is the best do it all currently on offer.
All the advanced electronics, good comfort, good power, good storage space, good dealer network, good agility.
The only potential downside is the wait on parts when things do break since it's a low volume bike.
KTM 1290 Superduke GT- That thing has it all!
I agree about the one bike thing. As this question was put I understood it to be the one do all bike for all conditions all year long. The Super Duke is not a touring bike and therefore out of the running for me. We do travel on trips of three to ten days at a time and I need carrying capacity and wind management. Music is nice to have also.Both are bikes I've read up on and lusted after, but not something I'd pick if I could only have one, especially without riding it.
I just did a four day tour on the Roadster and it would not have been possible if my wife had not been hauling our gear on the RM. I'll post a thread on that later. After four days I felt more neck fatigue than I usually would have if I had been on a bike with a wind shield. So on most rides I like or need to have stuff packed and protected from elements for maximum comfort.@Dr D think you have it narrowed down well. I'd choose Goldwing, The Indian Roadmaster, or a Harley Road or Streetglide. All 3 are built to travel. I loved my Roadglide... but not as much as I do my R3t