Chirping noise

There is a thread on the process on hear somewhere with photos. I can't think what it was called. I'll have a search to see if I can find it. I did it to fix the splitting rubber problem the first batch of Ramair filters had. Don't know that it made any difference to induction noise.
The thread is called Time for the operation.
I don't know what it's called. A friend of mine gave me a roll some time ago. It's like dense foam rubber with sticky on one side. It's from the automotive industry. Here is a picture of the tank with the claw removed. You can see the "gasket" I made that kinda seals the claw to the tank. I don't have any pics of the inside of the claw. I just lined it with the same stuff.

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I don't know what it's called. A friend of mine gave me a roll some time ago. It's like dense foam rubber with sticky on one side. It's from the automotive industry. Here is a picture of the tank with the claw removed. You can see the "gasket" I made that kinda seals the claw to the tank. I don't have any pics of the inside of the claw. I just lined it with same stuff.

almost like a weather stripping for house doors?
I run individual K&N's which also chirp. I lined the inside of my claw with some adhesive backed sound deadening material. Knocked the noise down about 75%
Man! Thanks so much for posting that tip Rocket Scientist! I had some extra Dynamat from another project and put that inside the bear claw and I would venture to say that it may be quiet than stock now? I have used this stuff for different things with varying degrees of success but in this case it really works great! I would have gone back to stock air filter. Now all I hear is the throaty sucking noise accelerating which is great.
Well .after much tyre kicking he bottled it.the dealer put the original air set up on the bike but my bro reckoned it was still making a peculiar noise .I think he's going to try and find one that's in standard trim
Thanks for everybody's input .