Chirping noise

Its not chirping its the bike say give me some Air. To experience it with a car you need to ride under the hood :D

I would leave it alone especially if your going to perform the maintenance on her. I am not sure about the Touring but on the regular Rockets it is easy to pull the air ducting out when doing maintenance you just remove the whole fuel tank so you can get at the the ducting so you can remove it just to change or check your plugs. Or wait until you try or pay a mechanic to balance the throttle bodies. All this is just minutes with the filter mods to get rid of the plumbing. Anyway or either way I hope your brother enjoy's the ride.
you just remove the whole fuel tank so you can get at the the ducting so you can remove it just to change or check your plugs

Amen. It took me a buttload of time to extract all that plastic crap, and I don't even want to think about putting it back. Plus, you free up tons of space under the tank with it gone.
Thank you for your replies. The garage have all the original filter and duct parts so they're going to put the bike back to stock .
Ta wayne
DONT DO IT! Leave it as it is the chirping will become white noise before you know it. Putting all that crap back will eliminate your power gains.
Noticed the chirps when I first had the ramair installed, now I just hear the sound of air be sucked in ...................leave it be................
I had all the crickets I could take and put mine back stock. Wasn't too big of a job. I would like to check into the Ozclaw though....
Only at lower speed and when under excelleration I hear chirping as when at higher speed the air noise drows out that and most other noises. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, in fact I like the sound of power been made.