Chirping noise


.020 Over
Jul 19, 2014
Just looking at a rocket tourer 2010 for my's got the ram air kit fitted and makes a chirping noise from the engine under acceleration. Is this normal.
It's a consequence of ditching the large and complicated air ducts and adding the Ramair filter. I don't hear it so I don't know what it is like even though I have the Ramair, or maybe I just don't find it bothersome. The noise is probably always there from air being sucked in etc, it's just masked by the stock giant air boxes, that is.

Some find it plenty bothersome though, see this for instance:

Chirping Crickets after Ramair, Hate them CRICKETS!

Bottom line is that it's just natural induction noise, and benign, has nothing to do with how things function.
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I just installed the Ramair on mine for the performance benefit and I'm considering going back to stock air cleaner. I wouldn't consider it an issue for local 1 to 2 hour rides, but I like to go on long distance rides and I'm afraid it would just add to the fatigue factor. Still, as craft noted it's nothing mechanically wrong and I wouldn't consider it as a determining factor in your purchase. Besides, going back to stock is simple enough and the parts and filter wouldn't exceed $150. Plus he may like the sound to begin with?
Thank you for your replies. The garage have all the original filter and duct parts so they're going to put the bike back to stock .
Ta wayne
I heard chirping once, turns out it was just a cricket in my helmet....:oops:
:roll:Reminds me of RAA Colorado, my wife was keading, all of a sudden she pulls over really fast and starts fighting something we couldnt see and couldnt take her jacket fast enough, a wasp went in thru a sleeve and stung its way in a few times, that was funny, at least for us:roll::roll:
The garage have all the original filter and duct parts so they're going to put the bike back to stock

If the bike runs fine with the Ramair, I don't see much point in adding those 50 lbs of plastic (may be a teeny exaggeration...) back on. :)

A sensible rider wears earplugs at all times anyway. Assuming he or she is fond of being able to hear.
I don't understand the chirping. I must not know what it is because I don't have any noise I would consider chirping, but after working flight decks and flying for 20 years (and getting old) my hearing is shot anyhow. :(

Although the old hot rodder in me LOVES the sound of air being sucked through the RamAir under full acceleration. For the performance gains alone, it was a cheap 11hp, I can live with increased noise. :)
