CES exhaust observations

Righto I have had a notification from Leslie that she has posted a replacement set so hopefully they might be here in a couple of days or so as I live rural not in the city. To all those who responded to my chat and hope for a good result, thank you for thoughts. Also thank you Les @ozrider I had no idea at the time you had spoken to Trev, thanks again. I looked at the heading of this thread and thought carefully before I posted my issue so as not to offend, or criticize anyone but simply feedback my observations without bias. Apologies if I failed at this, but I shoot with a straight barrel. Be good and be kind to one another, moving on......................
After the many contacts with them during my purchase, I would have been VERY surprised if anything other than satisfaction had resulted!
Good News Mal, Small Aussie companies do it tough with our Tax system and workers rates that have to match our cost of living, that's why I drive still the truck for my Son when he needs time off even though I have retired :sneaky:,and its good customer service that attracts new customers and keeps old ones coming back, Well done CES:thumbsup:
I don't know Trev from CES but as I was reading through this thread I knew he'd get it sorted. Too many good things said about him and this is yet another bit of proof the bloke is fairdinkum. Likewise I received an email from Reband asking how it was all going and checking i still love mine. Pretty bloody good follow up service I reckon. Both these companies are bloody great I say.
I have emailed CES about using their header with my TORs on my 2014 Touring and awaiting their response. Do any of you know how much of a pain it will be to hook these together? I know I may lose some benefit from the TORs but I like their look and sound as it is not loud enough to annoy anyone in the neighborhood nor draw the attention of the boys in blue if I accidently twist too far.
My set of CES headers were made to fit up to stock pipes or TORS - or in my case, the Foran pipes I had that fitted to the stock header. In other words, I could fit any mufflers to them that would connect straight to the stock header. I'm sure it's not going to be a problem if you specified that fitment.