CES Exhaust and Headers

I was talking with Trev and Duncan at CES yesterday ( Duncan made the heat shields) they are very happy with how they turned out.
Looks like a great job .. going to let us know how much the system cost you Pete.
Sure mate it was $2684. Delivered to my door, (postage was about $60 ) but I know as I was talking about the design with Trevor ( I sent up a drawing of what I wanted, I used their collector design just got them to make a longer tail on it) and as Mittzy said Duncan made up the heat shields and I know that talking with Trevor that a lot more time went into them than they initially thought. The heat shields are also polished ceramic coated.
Both Leslie and Trevor were fantastic to talk to and they bend over backwards to help you with anything. I can't say enough about how good their service was.
So for the Americans it's a great time to buy with our dollar low it would be $1880 that's everything headers,
2 1/4 inch exhaust and heat shields and postage wouldn't be much more
Cheers Pete

WOW!! that's $1930 USD, about $75 less than I pain before the heat shields were available!!!
Thinking I may buy a new set and sell mine at the TC price!?
Here is the response I received from Leslie today regards to polishing the ceramic.

CES Racing
8:36 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Hi Steve,

Just use a fine mag wheel polish (over here we use a made in USA product called “Purple” Metal Polish (brand California Custom Products ) Purple both in brand and colour. It has to be very fine – not coarse.

Works very well for cleaning up all the coated headers. Comes in Plastic 12 fl. Oz. (355 ml) small bottle.

This same coating -over the years we have seen track race car headers (after about 8 + years..hard racing/nearing the end of their life) just get re-coated. It can add further longevity to product/makes them look new again .

We are just going into Spring over here, no doubt all the bike riders are looking forward to a great summer of riding. (In Queensland it’s so hot anyway during the winter days even, good all year around).

Happy to help.


Leslie (for)

Trevor Campbell


(07) 32002333 ph (07) 32002344 fax

Web: www.cesracing.com.au

Email: cesracing@bigpond.com.au
Thanks for that Steve
My CES Headers and a 2 1/4 inch single exhaust with custom heat shields, I will try and get some better pictures tomorrow
Does this exhaust have baffles or packing in it??? I was leaning towards the Carpenter Racing Sidewinder exhaust system, but if this has baffles or packing in it this might be a better choice as I will need to install baffles or something in the Carpenters I believe. I am a little concerned about the carpenters and getting burnt too. Any input???