Cee Bailey's or Clearview

Guess it gets you that we say something now you know how we feel when they just jump in
Well Croft I guess you and I have a completely different take on what is polite. Just what did you find polite about the original post?
"I want to buy a screen and would like some opinions" doesn't too polite to me; reads more like a demand. You and the rest of the "response police" should go and have a good look at yourselves.
You can use Rain-X on Clearview shields. I had 2 Clearview shields with the vent on my old 99 Venture. Best shield I ever had.

And can we please talk about less controversial stuff here like maybe oil???? or maybe a car tire???o_O:whitstling:
It was different with me. I introduced my self proper like and didn't start pissing people off till well into 80 post or so.:laugh:
Now to the meat of the thread. 4 hangers and a roll of Saran wrap. When it's full of bugs, untie one end and pull. Wala..fresh screen.
Polock engineering! G'day ;)
It was different with me. I introduced my self proper like and didn't start pissing people off till well into 80 post or so.:laugh:
Now to the meat of the thread. 4 hangers and a roll of Saran wrap. When it's full of bugs, untie one end and pull. Wala..fresh screen.
Polock engineering! G'day ;)

Pics please..........and no not your normal pics....pics of the hangers, wrap etc...keep focused ski...focus...the windscreen contraption
For me it's a matter of tone:

"Hello, __:

Glad to see you’ve found us. New R3Owners forum posters can do us a favor and hit the Introduce Yourself forum so we all know a little bit about you. Just a bit of brotherhood before you proceed.

As far as your question, dot dot dot dot…"
I want to thank all for the recomendations, looks like I'll be ordering the Clearview with the recurve and vent.
I also want to apologize to those who found my question rude or my forum etiquette lacking, I assure you it wasn’t my intention to offend anyone.
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I want to thank you for asking the question ply as I was going to ask the same one... and welcome to the forum. Since you just asked yesterday you might wait for more people to chime in before making a decision. Are there really no votes for the Cee Bailey's?
How much difference does the extra width make? I always assumed it was the lack of height that was causing the buffeting. I certainly don't mind and actually welcome the wind on my arms and shoulders.
The extra width does help and adding lowers just finishes the job of controlling the air around your head, can't remember exactly what the deciding factor between the two was now but it helped that the Clearview offered a recurve and the essential adjustable vent