Cee Bailey's or Clearview

The only problem I find with screens on bikes at night is the headlights from following vehicles is reflected of the screen into my eyes simular to the mirrors even a following motorcycle does the same, I look over the top of my screen at these times so maybe the inch below eye level makes sense .
As for screens, I find the 19 inch to be plenty, I can still look over it but still get a decent bubble. Almost too much bubble on hot summer days. Almost makes me regret not adding a vent, but... have to say I'm not a fan of how the vents look.
And as for the less than friendly welcome for our new member - so, when someone asks a perfectly civil and normal question about the R3T in an R3T forum, the appropriate thing is to go off on him because he failed to blow sunshine up everyone's butts in the introduction forum first? That's a great way to give this place a reputation as an unfriendly insular clique "in-club" of people who get their panties in a bunch if someone just starts talking business straight away.

Not everyone is interested in being buddy-buddy with everyone, even though they're interested in discussing their ride and get info on it. That should be perfectly fine, in my opinion, as long as people are civil and courteous.

Last I checked this was an open discussion forum, not a place where you have to pledge and then spend three years kissing ass before the local aristocracy deigns to notice you...
I addmit I had no idea when I first came here .I was totally computor illiterate and I had never been on any forum of any nature .I wander how many of these guys with there first post are in that same boat just my two cents worth

G'day Pete I am a newbie to this forum ,but have joined a few over the years ,the Ford Truck Club forum ,www ford truck forum ,Australian Boulevards ect, and have noticed the same etiquette when joining , no big deal just a bit of an intro is nice , but if you are not aware of this you cannot be blamed, on some Forums people just lurk around and pick a few brains then never come back ,or sit on the side and take pot shots at people they have never met but dislike, I have found this forum less of a Clique than some other motorcycle forums

What a crock of sh!t ... having the decency to say g'day is not difficult or a lot to ask before asking questions or assistance from a complete stranger . I wouldn't waltz straight into anywhere and ask for help without saying g'day first. Maybe us Australians are just different , ever think about that Croft . Maybe we just show a bit more respect and manners than other nationalities . . where all your "three years kissing ass" and "local aristocracy" " and the buddy buddy with everyone" and all the rest of your twisted observations and beliefs came from f#ck only knows.
I addmit I had no idea when I first came here .I was totally computor illiterate and I had never been on any forum of any nature .I wander how many of these guys with there first post are in that same boat just my two cents worth

I remember when you first joined Pete and didn't know what to do , I was exactly the same .. never belonged to a forum before joining here ..I actually joined because I'd run into Binnsy (RIP) while out on a ride. I'd been lurking here for a long time and recognised him. I'd been reading up on problems and whatever before even buying my Rocket. Pete come to think of it I can't remember one Aussie that hasn't introduced themselves in one way or another when signing on here ..could be wrong but can't honestly remember anyone.
If it wasn't for one of the more colourfull members here I would not even know this site existed .id had my rocket for a couple of years previously.i met binnsy also out at canungra .i think because we are all fortunately different in the way we think and do things is what makes this sight so entertaining . If a person is knowledgable on various sites yes a welcome would be nice but once conversations are up and going welcomes can be drawn into conversations .the thing we all have in common is our bikes
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Wow Croft, that's some enormous chip you have on your shoulder.

I can clearly remember TC's and Peter K's first posts. Two of the best people I know.

TC said he'd been for a bit of a ride, had a feed (steak I think), had been all over the NT and elsewhere on his Rocket and had met some people he knew who said they wouldn't ride in the rain (who Catherine had said was a sook).
Peter K had followed someone with a car tyre on the back, thought it looked really unsafe.

TC had been lurking for a while and told us a bit about himself. Peter said the site had been recommended to him and told us about a ride he'd been on. Neither of them just lobbed in and said they wanted something; nor did they have to blow sunshine up anyone's arse or need to be accepted. But they approached the site in the way a normal, mature, civilised adult would approach people in the real world.

People can lob in here and be rude if they want but they'll get no help from me and the "welcome" they deserve. If that upsets some of you precious little darlings, tough.
It's not rude to discuss R3T's in an R3T forum. It is, however, rude to be rude. I think the introduction police is far more rude than anyone else in here, at that.

"Hello, I'd like to talk about my Roc..." "ACHTUNG PAPIERE BITTE!" is not really the way to go. If you think people should introduce themselves then answer their question and participate in the topic and then gently suggest they go visit the introduction thread if you feel you must.