Carpenter Stage 1

Final final update (I hope). Putting the TOR and xover back on did regain some of the lost HP, but the bike didn't pull as strong before the jars. Final HP was 173 and the sorry tq was 138(!!!) quite high in the rpm range. Still strange the jars flowed better (ran lean) and made less power - I guess higher flowing pipes are not the answer, but I am done messing with it since there is no clear cut direction or promise that it will get better.

What a huge waste a money and time. A fool and their money eh? Apparently I would have bought magic beans with that cash anyway. Wish I would have just done triples and pipes.

Plus side - nothing is broken, bike runs well, is better leaving a stop than before (no more riding clutch a silly amount), a/f ratio is good.

I will say progressive 440HD shocks are amazing. That was money well spent.
With my Nev cams, tripple K&N's Jardines mine dynoed at Tripps at 144 which is 25% below a dynojet machine. A dynojet would put it at 181. Total expenditure was $1K for the cams....already had the Jars and a nickel ninety eight for the K&N's. Got lucky with a good combination.
What a huge waste a money and time. A fool and their money eh?
Apparently I would have bought magic beans with that cash anyway.
Wish I would have just done triples and pipes..

Hart, I'm sorry to hear about your less than stunning performance gains,
but that magic beans line is the funniest thing I've read in a long long time.

i was told buy carpenter they were removing my airbox,because the bike was starved for air.I did have concerns about that
i was told buy carpenter they were removing my airbox,because the bike was starved for air.I did have concerns about that

Knight are you getting the full kit? Eitherway I believe you are a little mixed up or your post i a little off. I beleive what is hapening is Bob is removing the OEM air filter set up not the air box. That being said cannot give you much information without knowing things like the above queston. Are you gettng the full kit and are you geting the exhaust?

Well Hart I am sorry to hear your bike got screwed up by some shop technician who has one more operating brain cell then a dead cow. I bet you timing is still off and cannot believe the basturds had the balls to charge you a second time to go back and do what you paid them to do right in the first place. I would bet 100 bucks the timing is still off. The reason being I know a captian that was so cheap he just had the valve work done and cams with no porting and is running the OEM header with mad dogs and still got 180 hp out of his. You should let everyone know what shop did the work so they can avoid being screwed also.
If I had the time I would help you take the ***** apart and put it right but I have to much going on and your to far away. I am going to do the stage 1 kit on my other bike this winter plus a new paint job. anyway I hope she holds together for you.

everyone should think about this problem when deciding on getting a kit. If you can't afford to send it to carpenter racing or do it right yourself and don't have a compitent mechanic to do it for you. don't waste your money and time its to much of a pain in the arse.