THe web site says " drive in & drive out" does that mean it's a 1 day service?? where exactly is carpenter located ?? how much lead time do they need to preform these wondorous deeds ?? do they have an e-mail address?? TIA My reason for asking is that I live on the east coast of Canada and would need to know for arival time , overnight stays ect I would ride the bike down..
I doubt very much it would be a one day deal more like a week considering that you bring it in and leave it there till they come around to work on yours , when others have been done .
carpenter has an email address cannot find right now but google " silverback rocket3"
that will get you to his site
THe web site says " drive in & drive out" does that mean it's a 1 day service?? where exactly is carpenter located ?? how much lead time do they need to preform these wondorous deeds ?? do they have an e-mail address?? TIA My reason for asking is that I live on the east coast of Canada and would need to know for arival time , overnight stays ect I would ride the bike down..
I'l try to help you sixpack,a s Art was been wrongfully banned from this site by its ownership/management some time ago.
Drive in- drive out means that you get your bike or its motor to Carpenter Racing's shop in Berlin, NJ and they will do the complete installation, including a surgically accurate dyno tuning there. The turnaround time varies mostly by how many other bikes are waiting their turns in front of you and then by exactly what you want to have done, parts and machine time availability, etc,. Typical turnaround is 2-3 weeks, but that can vary.
Bob Carpenter is not much of an emailer, but you should be able to reach /him on the phone number provided here: Carpenter Racing I can put you in touch directly with his colleague, Art DiLarso (IMFASTTOO) if you will send me your contact info via PM.
It is suggested that you do speak with Art first as Bob usually has his hands quite full in the shop.
How does the Carpenter package affect rideability and reliability? I like performance but also want to be able to go for nice casual local rides to do some chores as well as long distance, multi-day trips.
Is the Silverback project a more rideable/reliable and toned down version of the Carpenter package as opposed to what Carpenter is offering now? Just curious. Thanks.
Well, Johnny, the "Silverback" is simply a name that the Carpenterians gave to the Roadster that they've set up for the dragstrip. it currently makes about 270 rwhp, but there's some more power and goodies to come which will probably see that Ape run the 1/4 mile somewhere in the vicinity of 8.5 seconds.
As far as their engine kits are concerned, they are designed to deliver gobs of power but they do so efficiently, reliably and as everyday riders. It may seem counterintuitive to believe that, but I have ridden on and with all the different versions, including the Silverback, They run quieter(internally), smoother, cooler and more fuel efficiently than any OEM Rocket III off the showroom floor. That is, provided that you are not constantly twisting the wick like a bad little monkey.
Rideablity is essentially equal between a kitted and unkitted bikes, however if you follow their recommendations to make your machine more rideable, i.e., different shock height and different tires, you will be amazed with how much more rideable your Beast will become!
THe web site says " drive in & drive out" does that mean it's a 1 day service?? where exactly is carpenter located ?? how much lead time do they need to preform these wondorous deeds ?? do they have an e-mail address?? TIA My reason for asking is that I live on the east coast of Canada and would need to know for arival time , overnight stays ect I would ride the bike down..
Last summer I talked with a regional sales rep for Triumph and the demo truck driver. They both have rode one and were amazed. I would definitely talk to them first because there was a guy here (can't find the thread) that his bike was tied up for several months because of a programing issue with the ECU, but that may have been a an issue specific to the Roadster.
Like others have said, PM IMFASTTOO and I am sure he will be willing to provide you with all the info you need. But I would also speak to the man that does the work at the shop, not just their cheerleader.
That guy, named Grabits, was held up by the TuneBoy folks who never sent a key and the map for a 9,000 RPM rev limit for an R3T. Of course, before he had all the facts, he was on here flaming Carpenter racing for no valid reason.
Grabits was the first to have a Touring model upgraded with Carpenter's engine kit. He is, by the way, happier than a pig in you-know-what, Brian.
I really can not afford the upgrade, but was just wondering what the cost would be for a touring? 2010, just a ballpark figure. Great to dream about. Thanks