Carpenter 210+ VS 240+ on the street

I do realise that, looking at Steels dyno sheet it makes 175hp at 8000rpm so what would be the point of revving the engine to 9000rpm?
Since my Tach only shows 8000, I try to shift as it's passing that mark, and it passes quickly. Probably at about 8500 when I actually shift. Even if it's down to only 250 hp, she's pulling pretty effin hard.
Mines tuned to 8000rpm and makes 242hp and 190ftlb so I know exactly what they go like. I have seen one running to 9000 but that has a big hole in the block and a rod coming out the sump now. Might of been a bit lean up top aye.

Interesting about the Rebands. Mine did 232 with CES fitted to a 265 kit on pump gas. All the number published by Carpenter are on MR12, so 232*1.06 = 245.6. 23 hp difference with very similar headers when comparing kits 25 hp apart, shows pretty solidly that Reband and CES are pretty much equals for making power.

I agree about the feeling of torque, even and everywhere lol, I am actually really nervous about upgrading headers because of how good it feels now. At 190whp I couldn’t stop plying with the power, now at 232 I find it difficult to find a place I can let it rip. At 252... yeah It’ll just be worse.

Considering ordering an upgraded set and only putting them for racing, keeping the CES for street. Not like anyone’s going to pull on me at 232 (unless I find @Steel on the street).
I do realise that, looking at Steels dyno sheet it makes 175hp at 8000rpm so what would be the point of revving the engine to 9000rpm?

The point of 9000 is this:

Even though power is falling off, the gearing advantage of not having to shift still makes it accelerate faster than if you shifted and were at peak power.
I might look at getting a 2 inch system for mine, should give around 260hp on pump gas