Carpenter 210+ VS 240+ on the street

THATS not the best idea its a better idea to add the high comp pistons while you have the head off 13.5 is the best choice adds more power at no extra cost more power everywhere the supercharger power falls off above midrange unless you add all the motorwork also and then the price doubles I like the 240+ with the 13.5 pistons best bang for the buck

Not sure where you got your info from IMFASTTOO but the supercharger in any of its different kit forms pulls increasingly harder the whole way to redline from all the dyno charts I have seen.............
Not sure where you got your info from IMFASTTOO but the supercharger in any of its different kit forms pulls increasingly harder the whole way to redline from all the dyno charts I have seen.............
Not sure where you got your info from IMFASTTOO but the supercharger in any of its different kit forms pulls increasingly harder the whole way to redline from all the dyno charts I have seen.............
speaking about the BOOST IS GOOD TURBO and the TTS kit will reuire engine mods also that will double the price of the CARPENTER setup BUT its a matter of how much money do you want to spend ?
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iwas speaking about the BOOST IS GOOD TURBO and the TTS kit will reuire engine mods also that will double the price of the CARPENTER setup BUT its a matter of how much money do you want to spend ?

The boost is good turbo also has a power curve that pulls harder the closer it gets to redline, as seen here:
The boost is good turbo also has a power curve that pulls harder the closer it gets to redline, as seen here:
BUT your only reving to 6000 RPM and none of the ones we dynoed made over 210 hp compared to the CARP engines that rev to 9000 rpm and make as much as 265 HP
Fuel availability is a part of it, Stage II has higher compression pistons, therefore the added cost. IMHO I like using regular gas.
OH no you have to run 87 well you can do that with the 240 kit but not with the 13.5 pistons then you use premium
You'd have to admit... a naturally aspirated engine making more HP than a supercharger or turbo and revving to 9000 is just bad ass!