Can't figure out the scam

They better hope I don't run into them...I will keeeeel them...keeeeel 'dem 'daid:mad:.


It's been awhile since I read up on this particular scam but, if memory serves, I think this is an identity theft scam.
Every time I have advertised a bike for sale I have received many of the same emails, the person uses the same mo every time, asking for a paypal address, then says they have put $1000 to much into your paypal account and you have to refund the $1000 into a Wester Union account before the full payment for the bike plus the $1000 can be released into yourpaypal account, just a big scam to you to pay $1000 and get nothing.

It's amazing that some people pay it.
It's been awhile since I read up on this particular scam but, if memory serves, I think this is an identity theft scam.
This one is an "I stole your vehicle and there's nothing you can do about it before I ship it to Afghanistan" scam. :p
It's been awhile since I read up on this particular scam but, if memory serves, I think this is an identity theft scam.

Correct.The sale of the bike is just a smokescreen. They will keep sending emails/messages and look for every bit of detail they can find out about you.
One day they will stop emailing you and you will find your CC account has been hacked