Can U convert from 240 on the standard rocket to the tour rear wheel?


.060 Over
Mar 27, 2012
What is all involved to convert my 06 rocket classic over to the smaller rear wheel of the tour model? I would be interested in this for the long haul rides.
I'd advise getting a Touring. Might be easier than swapping wheels. I believe there are frame and swingarm differences in the two bikes.
My R3T makes similar power to a stock Classic. So far my rear wheel has held up just fine.

Since I'm too lazy to look up the specs I'll say that if the size is the same (except for the width of course), and assuming the bolt pattern is the same (can't see why they'd change that), you could probably get it to work.
What is all involved to convert my 06 rocket classic over to the smaller rear wheel of the tour model? I would be interested in this for the long haul rides.

The final drive on the touring is a 90 degree Bevel where as the ocket is not. If you cut the rear frame off you could swap them but as stated above you might as well go aith the touring. Have you tried the new bridgestone exedra max it should get more milage.
Great analogy, Canberra. I think that's exactly what it would look like.
Anyway, to the original poster: I would get a Touring or go dark side if you're doing a lot of long-hauls.