Can i borrow your motorcycle??

I would need proof that the individual in question is up to the task, so I'd arrange for him to take a ride on a more "average" bike first, with me following on the beast for observation. If he shows me that he's proficient, then, hell yeah, I'd let him ride it. Of course, we'd have a little problem re: what I'd be riding, then since I only have the one.;)
: what I'd be riding, then since I only have the one.;)[/QUOTE]

You can ride one of mine, take your choice''
05 rocket
honda nighthawk
97 blackbird
07 ninja 250
Hey i have a bicycle too!:D:D
Muchas gracias, compadre! Since I'm already well acquainted with the R3, I'd probably opt for the 99 'bird. Muy rapido!
Muchas gracias, compadre! Since I'm already well acquainted with the R3, I'd probably opt for the 99 'bird. Muy rapido![/QUOTE

We ran them side by side at the track a few times, a friend was riding the rocket since i was scared of full acceleration takeoffs on the rocket, i was riding the bird, from 0 to around 75mph the rocket wins everytime, aftr that the bird pulls away in a hurry.
Like them all, even the 250 ninja, ride it to work almost every day.:):):)

i had been out riding and was at a country pub with some mates.the local copper showed up. he had eyes for only 1 bike out of 20, mine.:eek:a spanking new 2004 rocket. i had had about 6 beers. too close to say if i was still legal to ride.he would'nt go away. we watched him circle my bike again and again. my mates asked me what i was gonna do? i said 'watch'. i went out and asked if he would like to take it for a spin. he was surprised at my offer.i told him to grab my 'lid' [its not a legal one] he said he'd go back to the station and get his.which he did.when he came back i told him to take his time riding and that if he dropped it,he would own it. i also said his family would'nt get his body released from the morgue until i'd been paid, if he killed himself on it, he said no worries,he understood fully. i went back to the bar, and kept mates were watching in disbelief! they asked me if i was crazy!the cop eventually bought it back intact and thanked me heaps for 'making his day'. we rode out soon after,taking a different route to the one the copper took.just as we were clearing town,there he was! he waved us good bye. i told the guys that i had 'imunity for the next 100kms' ha ha ha...this is a TRUE story:D
My mate , said to me , can you do me a favor , asked him what , he said HIS mate from years ago was coming to Aust for a holiday , and was really into bikes , he was/is in the HOG club back in the uk owns a Harley , and he would love to see a bit of the countryside on a bike , would i do him a favor and take him for a spin around on the back of my rocket..

Said yeh sure bring him round sat morning i like to set of early , Guy reckins i made it the best holiday, he ever had when he come round , and i had sat on the front waiting for him , my new Harley complete with jacket gloves and helmit , took him for a day long ride through some excellent bike roads , , Although got to admit i rode the rocket i would'nt off let hm ride that .

Its sometimes nice to be nice.
My mate , said to me , can you do me a favor , asked him what , he said HIS mate from years ago was coming to Aust for a holiday , and was really into bikes , he was/is in the HOG club back in the uk owns a Harley , and he would love to see a bit of the countryside on a bike , would i do him a favor and take him for a spin around on the back of my rocket..

Said yeh sure bring him round sat morning i like to set of early , Guy reckins i made it the best holiday, he ever had when he come round , and i had sat on the front waiting for him , my new Harley complete with jacket gloves and helmit , took him for a day long ride through some excellent bike roads , , Although got to admit i rode the rocket i would'nt off let hm ride that .

Its sometimes nice to be nice.
Thats what im talking about,!!!!