Can i borrow your motorcycle??

Dave (Scot in Exile) likes to ride ***** on my bike and that's fine. And, if he denies it, well, let's just hope he remembers I have the picture to prove it. [/QUOTE
Pictures or it didnt happen.
They've been hermetically sealed in a Funk and Wagners jar buried 8 feet 11 inches beneath home plate at Fidel Castro stadium in Havana Cuba .... sorry.
Went downtown Chicago this weekend with a couple of buddys to a fest. I let one of my friends trial the beast. He rides a V Star so I figured OK, he's capable. He was amazed with the handling for the short distance he rode it.
Skip,,,,,,,,give your friend our best.I hope he heals real soon.
Dave,,,,,,,your just too funny but I know what you mean about Steve after 9 pm....
We have friends that I would let them borrow my rocket before I let them borrow my yamaha.... I just have a thing with yamaha......weve been together a long time and If she goes down Ime gonna be on her.
I too am like most on here......I would let all the men and ladies I have met at the rocket runs borrow my bike....They are all good responsible people.....(before moonshine)......
**** Skip, whats wrong with people ? Its not just cells and elderly, I watched this guy cut across our lane, infront of a riding buddy and if it were not for his reflexes my buddy would have T-boned the guy. I had to fight the desire to pull off and create a situation.
Your friend is in my prayers.

I haven't met many people that I would trust with my bike. But there are not many riders that I know. Its the torque that concerns me. I was in no way prepared for my first ride on my R3. Second gear got my attention quick !!!!
First, if the person is not accustomed to power then I cant introduce them with mine. Second, if a person has just bought a bike, not a R3, I just couldn't do them like that. I know if I had bought something else, riding a R3 would make me sick and probably break me down in tears.
I hope he will be alright. Did anyone catch up with the guy that ran him off the road?

He'll be fine, the old boy stopped and felt real bad about it.
It was an older gentleman and his wife,
both in their upper 60's.
He is a rider too, he rides a honda aspencade,
so he felt real bad about not seeing TAZ, and sweeping him off the road.
Said he saw me but TAZ must have been in his blind spot.
Anyway they sewed Taz's knee cap back on that day.
Today they're putting rods, a plate, and pins in his foot that the shifter rod went through.
He was more worried about his bike than he was himself,
you guys know how true bikers are...
Bikes fine, just cosmetic stuff, tanks, crashbars, pretty much everthing that bolts on. Just the bolt on crap.
Frame, frontend, motor is all fine, and TAZ will be fine, it ain't his first rodeo either.
He got out light, prayer works boys, prayer works.
Thanks for all of them guys.
Dave, I've seen the picture as exists.


Halfway thru R&R time, having a blast
10 dtg Leaving for London
11 dtg Ray's
14 dtg Dubai
16 dtg KAF
Thanks, I appreciate that.
Just dropped his bike off for an insurance estimate at the H-D dealer.
Went by the hospital and seen him while in Tulsa.
Told him he was in alot of Triumph riders prayers,
and he smiled at that.
There may be hope for him yet.
First he's been goin' to church,
next an old harley dog goes Triumph freak,
hey, its happened before....
Ride safe y'all,